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  • Tags: prisoner of war

She thanks Mrs Pickford for her letter. By this time they knew Les was a prisoner of war. She has had no news about her son. She has also heard from Mr Hyde that his son died and was buried in Tripoli.
[the letter is incomplete]

She asks if her son, Les, mentioned her son. She has heard nothing and her house burned down and she is very distressed.

She has become even more distressed since she found out her son had died. She writes about her family who are away on war service.

She thanks Les' mother for a newspaper cutting about their sons. She has been ill. She sends her thanks to Les for his letter.

He recollects the night he was shot down with his pilot saving their lives but losing his own. On his release he returned to UK and was treated for malnutrition.

Letter from Jim Cahir to his friend Mary Egan detailing his plane being shot down, his capture and his time in a prisoner of war camp.

Reports that source of information that his son had lost his life along with Flying Officer J R Berrington and Sergeant C Clark was a German report to international Red Cross in Geneva. Report included information that Flying Officer T H Fynn was a…

A letter of sympathy from the Air Ministry to David Geach's father expressing regret that his son is missing during operations.

The letter to David Geach's parents expresses sadness that he is missing. The Chaplain offers his sympathy.

States the organisation through which contact was obtained with Sergeant John Valentine that their secretary had visited Stalag Luft 6 and seen British prisoner of war John Valentine who asked him to convey his thanks to Grünfeld for books he sent…

The letter refers to Les Arrowsmith being reported missing following an operation in a Lancaster to bomb Duisburg on the night of 21-22 May 1944.

Confirms information in previous telegram, information from American Consul in Tunis that son previously reported missing is interned and safe in Tunisia

Writes that he saw Arthur Brett safely bale out of the aircraft. Presumes he went into hiding on reaching the ground and is sure he is alive. Sends regards from Stanley Alldis, member of the crew, who was a prisoner with the letter's author.

A letter about Jim Cahir from Des. He says he is being well treated.

Jim writes to his mother that he is now stationed in a new camp without a worry or care and is in the best of health. He requests that Auntie Louie is given permission to act as his next-of-kin.

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother from his Prisoner of War camp in Germany. He writes hoping they are all well and tells them that he is okay; that time drags but he is kept occupied with lectures and talks; and is attending…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he is well and wishes his mother a happy birthday. He also writes about the entertainment provided at the camp, which he says is very good, that he is progressing with…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he is well and joined a sing-song on St Patrick’s day with some Irishmen. He also writes about his lecture and meeting an Airforce person who knew his brother and a…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he is well and that he had just had his first letter since being captured and hoping that they are not worrying about him. He also writes about the best way to send…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he has received two letters from them, about family and friends, that the Red Cross has provided clothing for him, about the recent Corpus Christie parade and of going…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he is well and received some correspondence from them, and mentions other letters he has received. He also writes about attending a church service where a prayer for…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he has received a parcel from them, about other correspondence sent and received, social activities, going to Mass on Armistice Day and hoping his mother has been…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes about the camp’s preparations for Christmas, about four thousand parcels arriving from the Red Cross, the food they will be preparing with their saved rations and having…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he has chilblains, about the weather, and asking if they send a parcel it should be a food parcel and quoting an extract from a German paper criticising the American…
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