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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Three weeks since last letter and has had a bad cold. Got letter from air ministry with message sent by American consul Tunis that he had got their cable and that he was well and writing to them regularly. Details recent letter from him and comments…

Received two letters and three post cards from him. Comments on contents of his letters. Mentions that they had not seen oranges in England. Mentions time letters take to travel and that they have sent cables. Talks of their life in general. Catches…

Reminisces over previous Easter. Writes of activities including looking for a house. Mentions shortage of houses and long waiting lists. Discusses finance and his allotment to them and that he had tried to change it. Delighted to hear that he had…

Compares English weather with what he is likely to be having. Reminisces on past events. Writes of their activities over Easter holiday. Mentions the chocolate he asked for and they were not able to get it. Wrote to Red Cross to help. Notes they are…

Writes of house hunting and taking temporary home until something more suitable available. Mentions activities, walking round town looking for shoes. Continues with description other activities. Writes of old Skipton grammar school friends. Mentions…

Looking forward to more letters from him. Mentions cost of airmail going up. Writes of activities and weather. Catches up with news of family and friends. Still awaiting news of house and discusses other issues and will be happy to get settled. Sent…

Writes of reply from Red Cross that it was not possible to send chocolate to him as no parcel post to Tunisia. However, telegrams were allowed. Also best way to communicate is through American consul in Tunis. Glad he can get cigarettes as shortage…

Writes they have finally got an unfurnished house and gives address. Mentions plans for moving and will be happy when all settled. Describes house and views. Says month since last letter. Catches up with news and gossip.

Glad to receive cable from him which arrived day it was sent. Was becoming anxious as no letter from him for ten weeks although they understand disturbed conditions affecting mail. Thanks him for offering them radiogram as Christmas present and…

Three weeks to Christmas, so sending greetings and hopes message gets to him in time. No letters from him for ten weeks but she keeps sending theirs in the hope that he will get some of them. Describes some activities and comments on weather. Passes…

Writes that father is off on duty. Mentions letter from relative inviting them for Christmas and passes on other news. Not sure if they will go due to travel difficulties. Wishes they could get some letters from him as eleven weeks since last one.…

Still waiting for letter from him, none for eleven weeks. Hopes for peace and reunion with him. Two weeks until Christmas and he would be in their thoughts. Mentions reading in newspaper that residents of Algiers were supplying warm clothing until…

Writes they have had no letters from him now for twelve weeks and she has written 30 to him in that time. Comments on the December weather and says looking forward to spring. Mentions a book about Laghouat that she has read. Asks if they are able to…

Still no letters from him but they are trying to be brave and patient. Awaiting reply to recent cable. Mentions going into town to post letters and cards. Writes that she had received Christmas ration of sweets and chocolate from the grocer and that…

Reports arrival of six letters from him written in August and September. Glad he has access to books and enjoyed news of birthday party and culinary efforts. Comments on other content of letters. Catches up with news of activities and of friends.…

Had read about weather conditions in Libya and wondered if similar at Laghouat. Pleased to hear about his journalistic efforts and asks if he could send her a copy of camp newspaper. Catches up with family news and activities. Comments on working in…

Just arrived back after Christmas visit to relatives to find cable from him postmarked 25 December. Could not stay with relatives as long as planned because of problems of trains to get home. Writes of Christmas activities and catches up with other…

Writes of the weather and looking over town to see works where father was and of his daily routine and life in general. Talks about the war in general. Says they will not go away for summer holiday but might go to see their old house and visit…

Writes answering question he asked in letter dated 24 August about fathers smoking habits. Comments on food, scarcity of grapes in England and cost of tomatoes. Catches up with other correspondence and passes on news of friends.

Reports on latest consignment of letters which arrived in May. Catches up with news of friends. Mentions his culinary efforts and that neighbour had brought round rhubarb for her. Continues with more on rationing. Writes of wonderful sunrise, the…

Mentions weather and then three lines are blacked out. Then comments on what was written in censored lines. Writes of them both getting colds. Glad he is able to get good books and comments on what she is reading. Says she will try and send him books…

Writes about the weather. Says it was three weeks since his last batch of letters and looking forward to more. Mentions that putting stamps on does not seem to matter and suggests he keep his allowance for food. Relieved to hear that Red Cross…

Writes about inclement weather continuing and about the garden. Mentions that works closes for annual holidays the following week but that they would not be going away except to Manchester for a night. Writes that she had not received a reply to her…

Writes that she has not been well and comments on the weather. Writes that father was out on fire duty and and being wakened by man outside the house. Catches up with news of friends and mentions father might go to Skipton to get more information.…

Writes about correspondence with cable company options for payments and pre-pay for reply from him. Writes of local countryside and weather. Mentions books she is reading and that she has not had replies to last two cables. Delay might have been…
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