Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents
Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents
Received two letters and three post cards from him. Comments on contents of his letters. Mentions that they had not seen oranges in England. Mentions time letters take to travel and that they have sent cables. Talks of their life in general. Catches up on news, activities, the garden and friends and family.
Spatial Coverage
Two pag ehandwritten letter and envelope
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Prisoners of War Post
[postage stamp]
755052 Sgt. Chef.. J. D. Hudson
R.A.F. British Prisoner of War
[deleted] c/o The American Consul [/deleted]
[deleted] Tunis [/deleted] [inserted] Grand Hôtel d’Orient Rue Gambetta [/inserted]
Afrique du Nord.
[inserted] [underlined] Médéa. [/underlined] [/inserted]
[page break]
Mrs Hudson
6 Walverden Crescent
[postmark] [inserted] 1-5-41 [/inserted]
[page break]
6 Walverden Crescent
Nelson Lancs.
Wed. 6th/4/41.
My dear Douglas.
We were very delighted to have two letters & 3 post-cards from you last week, after being without news from you for some time, & to learn that you are well.
The letter, Dec. 28th, told that you had a nice Christmas & received gifts from [indecipherable word]. The oranges sound good. – we have nearly forgotten what they look like. The Jan. 10th. letter told that you were at last receiving letters & I’m so glad about this, altho’ they do bring news which is almost ancient history. Your letters to [deleted] you [/deleted] [inserted] us [/inserted] appear to take much longer to travel than do [deleted] yours [/deleted] [inserted] ours [/inserted] to you. The Dec. letter from you took about 14 weeks. Last Thursday I sent a cable to you from Nelson but am wondering much about it. The rate of charge was 3d a word. I stressed the fact that I wanted the message to travel by the quickest way possible & told the attendant that the charge from Manchester was 4 1/2d a word. She was quite emphatic about the thing being in order so will you please note the date when you received the message It was sent from here on April 3rd. I shall
[page break]
be interested to know how long the Air Mail letter, written while I was at Cranford, took to reach you. Well love I hope you’ve been able to make sense of all the different messages I sent. We’ve had such difficulties & anxieties during the last nine months – I sometimes wonder if this really is me – my life is so changed. Of course it is war-time & everybody’s life is changed, but the old folks cannot stand up to it like the younger ones.
One night in eight Dad is out & I am getting quite brave in staying alone. Did I tell you in a previous letter that we have taken this very small furnished house for 3 months. I keep going over to look at No 10. which is just as we left it & the garden looked really nice yesterday with the new grass & Spring flowers coming up all around.
I didn’t go down to the crab tree but thought I could see tiny green buds on it. I have a very nice neighbour here – a widow - & her father, who is 79, keeps his small garden very nice indeed. Grandad, who is 79 gets more & more crotchety & Auntie, who is not quite that age is almost as bad.
I have not heard anything of John for a long time. Last time I heard from Mrs Clapton she was expecting Miss Howarth going to live with her. It’s a good thing Spring-time is on the way – or she would freeze like I did when I stayed there. Am only just beginning to feel anything like myself. I don’t wonder Mrs Clayton has so many colds. The house is too cold. So glad you are having good weather.
All love from Mother & Dad.
755052 J.D. Hudson Sgt. Chef.)
R.A.F. British Prisoner of War.
c/o The American Consul
Afrique du Nord.
[postage stamp]
755052 Sgt. Chef.. J. D. Hudson
R.A.F. British Prisoner of War
[deleted] c/o The American Consul [/deleted]
[deleted] Tunis [/deleted] [inserted] Grand Hôtel d’Orient Rue Gambetta [/inserted]
Afrique du Nord.
[inserted] [underlined] Médéa. [/underlined] [/inserted]
[page break]
Mrs Hudson
6 Walverden Crescent
[postmark] [inserted] 1-5-41 [/inserted]
[page break]
6 Walverden Crescent
Nelson Lancs.
Wed. 6th/4/41.
My dear Douglas.
We were very delighted to have two letters & 3 post-cards from you last week, after being without news from you for some time, & to learn that you are well.
The letter, Dec. 28th, told that you had a nice Christmas & received gifts from [indecipherable word]. The oranges sound good. – we have nearly forgotten what they look like. The Jan. 10th. letter told that you were at last receiving letters & I’m so glad about this, altho’ they do bring news which is almost ancient history. Your letters to [deleted] you [/deleted] [inserted] us [/inserted] appear to take much longer to travel than do [deleted] yours [/deleted] [inserted] ours [/inserted] to you. The Dec. letter from you took about 14 weeks. Last Thursday I sent a cable to you from Nelson but am wondering much about it. The rate of charge was 3d a word. I stressed the fact that I wanted the message to travel by the quickest way possible & told the attendant that the charge from Manchester was 4 1/2d a word. She was quite emphatic about the thing being in order so will you please note the date when you received the message It was sent from here on April 3rd. I shall
[page break]
be interested to know how long the Air Mail letter, written while I was at Cranford, took to reach you. Well love I hope you’ve been able to make sense of all the different messages I sent. We’ve had such difficulties & anxieties during the last nine months – I sometimes wonder if this really is me – my life is so changed. Of course it is war-time & everybody’s life is changed, but the old folks cannot stand up to it like the younger ones.
One night in eight Dad is out & I am getting quite brave in staying alone. Did I tell you in a previous letter that we have taken this very small furnished house for 3 months. I keep going over to look at No 10. which is just as we left it & the garden looked really nice yesterday with the new grass & Spring flowers coming up all around.
I didn’t go down to the crab tree but thought I could see tiny green buds on it. I have a very nice neighbour here – a widow - & her father, who is 79, keeps his small garden very nice indeed. Grandad, who is 79 gets more & more crotchety & Auntie, who is not quite that age is almost as bad.
I have not heard anything of John for a long time. Last time I heard from Mrs Clapton she was expecting Miss Howarth going to live with her. It’s a good thing Spring-time is on the way – or she would freeze like I did when I stayed there. Am only just beginning to feel anything like myself. I don’t wonder Mrs Clayton has so many colds. The house is too cold. So glad you are having good weather.
All love from Mother & Dad.
755052 J.D. Hudson Sgt. Chef.)
R.A.F. British Prisoner of War.
c/o The American Consul
Afrique du Nord.
P Hudson, “Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents ,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 19, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23155.
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