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  • Tags: bomb trolley

Five airmen sitting on the ground in the shade from the rear fuselage of a Halifax. There is one bomb trolley under the port wing and another under the bomb bay. Step ladders and maintenance platforms in front of the port wing.

Sixteen airmen, mostly wearing tunic, in three rows sitting and standing on a bomb trolley. Background left a building and trees behind. On the reverse '22.4.42, 50 Sqdn Armoury. Skellingthorpe'. Albert Cluett is second row second from the right.

Two airmen pushing, and one guiding, a bomb trolley towards the underneath of a Halifax. A airman wearing battledress with hands in pockets stands on the right watching. Another group of airman stand behind the trolley watching while a further man is…

Two airman stand on a bomb trolley with small bomb containers looking up into the starboard wing bomb bay of an aircraft. two airmen stand on the left of the trolley watching.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form.…

Seven aircrew, six seated on bomb trolley, with pilot standing, in front of Lancaster, E, parked on dispersal. All aircrew wearing flight suits. Some are wearing Mae Wests.

Top - aircrew member in battledress sitting on a bomb trolley with 8000lb bomb under an aircraft. Submitted with description 'An aircrew member in battledress with an illegible half-brevet sat on a bomb trolley under an unidentified aircraft. Also on…

Top - painting of a Lancaster being bombed up. Captioned 'Winter of 43 somewhere in England. by David Shepherd'.
Bottom - photograph - view from above of a Lancaster with Spitfire and Hurricane on either wing over sea. Captioned 'Memorial in Flight,…

A Lincoln and a Varsity taken from the starboard side, looking across a barbed wire fence.

A Lincoln with an experimental nose. In the foreground a man is sitting with his back to the camera, on his left is an Alsatian dog. Behind him is a VW…

Eleven airmen mostly wearing tunic and side cap with others in overalls standing and squatting in three rows in a yard. To the right the rear wheel of a trolley, in the background a fence and trees. On the reverse '50 Sqdn Armoury, 22.4.42,…

Two images of 432 Squadron arranged in nine or so rows in front and on top of a Halifax.
The first image is of the port side and the second is the starboard side.
In front is a bomb on a trolley with 'Easie Squadron' chalked on.
The images have…

First of group of individuals, captioned 'Air and ground crew, sitting on wing of "N" for Nan, March 1945.'
Second is of small car, captioned "Crew - bus", my first car bought when on ops with 199 Sqdn.'
Third is of right-hand forward nose of a…

Seven airmen stand behind or sit on a 4000lb MC blockbuster bomb. Another airman is finishing adding words '100 not out' to the bomb. A senior (air commodore) RAF officer stands on the right watching. In the background the front of Lancaster R5868…
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