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  • Tags: pilot

Head and shoulders of David Donaldson wearing flying jacket with fur collar looking over the back of wing of a Wellington.

Seven aircrew, including Jeff Brown (second left), standing beneath a Lancaster on dispersal. One of them is smoking, and carrying a flying helmet. Two of them have flying boots. Five are sergeants. Two are pilots. The aircraft has H2 on the forward…

A side view of an airman at the control of an aircraft. He is wearing a helmet and oxygen mask.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Seven airmen in flying gear standing at the rear of a Lancaster. On the reverse are signatures of the seven airmen.

Seven airmen standing at the rear of their Lancaster. They are wearing their flying gear. On the reverse -
'W Hough M.U.G.
R Bridge R/G
P. Rahill F/E
S Highfield WOP
B Vineberg B.A.
J.F. Ness Pilot
all the best
M.A. Catty Nav'

Aircraft squadron letter J with 11 individuals: front row, kneeling five groundcrew, rear row standing six aircrew.

Seven airmen standing under the front of a Halifax. On the reverse 'W/O DEGRYCE'.

Two photographs and one reverse. One shows seven aircrew posed underneath their aircraft. Four are standing behind, with two on one knee in the front row, on a tarpaulin, and the pilot sat cross-legged in the middle. They are on a dispersal. Airfield…

1. An airman outside a tent with a billy can, captioned '"Pop" Bobby - 104 Sqdn visiting for tea. Ditched in Med after Naples Raid. Drowned'.
2. Airman in shorts digging, captioned 'Making a new home'.
3. Airman standing at the entrance to his…

Seven aircrew and three ground personnel, arranged in two ranks, are beneath an aircraft on a dispersal. The front rank of four are kneeling on a tarpaulin, whilst the other six are standing behind. The rear rank are all wearing their uniform caps,…

Handwritten list of the crew:

'Date 23rd Aug 1943
Target Berlin
A/C Stirling III EE 5938'X'
Capt WO Fear T,
Nav Sgt Ruddy G.H.
AB Sgt Bain A,
W,Op Sgt Woolcott, D.G,
FE Sgt Munro C,
M.U. Sgt Holmes J.A.C, (Can),
R.Gnr F S Davidson…

A pilot wearing battledress sits on a lawn in centre holding a small dog in front of him. Identified as S/Ldr J McCarthy at the Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa. Taken between 25/10/1943-12/07/1944. Additional information about this item was kindly…

Two pilots wearing battledress with pilot's brevet standing in front of a brick building with and open window to the left. Both have hands in pockets and the pilot on the right has medal ribbon.

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Seven officers standing in front of a building with windows. Two are wearing battledress and the rest tunics. The two on the left are wearing Norwegian uniform and identified as Gunnar Halle and Kåre Stenwig. One of the other officers has a pilots's…

Half length portrait of a squadron leader wearing battledress with pilot's brevet and medal ribbon. In the background a multistory building with three windows.

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A group of four officers, three wearing battledress and the other a tunic stand talking. A further officer wearing greatcoat and carrying peaked hat approaches from the left. The officer on left (identified as Gunnar Halle) and the one on the far…

Thirty one airmen all wearing tunics in five rows sitting and standing. Two in the front row have pilot's brevet and non commission officer stripes. In the background a building with large windows. On the reverse Sgt Cross, RAF Hullavington October…

Full length portrait of a Royal Air Force officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and side cap. In the background shrubbery. On the reverse 'Flying Officer Ross James DFC, AF/45'.

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A Group Captain, wearing battledress with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons, and a peaked cap stands with his right hand on a large bomb in the bomb bay of a Lancaster. On the reverse '[....]. Johnny Fauqier'. Reported as Gp Cpt J E Fauquier, OC 617…

Crew standing in front of Lancaster tail turret, some one is sitting in turret. On the reverse 'Blyton, Gainsboro 1943'. 'Joe Welsh, Rear Gunner, Dick Gundy, Bomb Aimer, Ken Corkill, Pilot, captain, Keith, Nav, Les Swales, Mid Upper Gunner, Charlie…

Seven aircrew, four standing, three seated, back ground is a field with buildings in the distance. Annotated, 'Second tour crew, No 199 Squadron, Halifax, Radio Counter Measures Sqdn. 100 Group. Feb - July '45'. ' "Cis" Bryant, Rear Gnr, Bob Brown…

Three quarter length portrait of an officer and his bride standing in a church doorway. The flight lieutenant on the left is wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbon.The brides on the right is holding his hand and is wearing wedding dress…

Leonard Cheshire is sitting at table on the left looking down with another officer seated alongside to the right. Two officers stand behind Cheshire on the left and four other to the side of the table on the right. All wear tunic and four have…

From left to right Jemadar Nand Singh VC, Colonel Maharaja Harinder Singh of Faridkot, General Claude Auchinleck, Wing commander James Brindley Nicolson VC, Wing commander Leonard Cheshire VC. On the reverse 'Leonard Cheshire (right), possibly a…

Six officers with Leonard Cheshire second from right standing in line in front of a door with Base Operation over it. All wear uniform tunic and four in centre have pilots brevet. The second and third from the left are air commodores.
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