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  • Tags: home front

Two charts showing what men did and what women did between 1939 and 1944


A ration book issued to Malcolm Staves.


A card authorising Malcolm Staves to take part in Civil Defence Fire fighting.

Luise M's account of the events at Packhofstraße 18.

Luise G's account of the events at Wildemannsgasse 28, Schule am Wall.

Ludwig Heinemann and Karl M's account of the events at Frankfurter Straße 26/28 (City Tax Offices, public air raid shelter), Hartwigstraße, Wolfsschlucht 22.

Ludwig B's account of the events at Wolfhager Straße 176 (rescue centre), Hohentor-straße 19.

Lotte G's account of the events at Friedrichstraße 20, Weinberg bunker.

Starts with letter from Minister Staley G Smith about general matters concerning the church and congregation. Followed by general news from church branches. Concludes with preaching plan for October.

She writes about the piano tuner turning up at the same time as the window cleaner. There have been 6 houses burgled recently in the area and she has recently seen Gone with the Wind, which she hopes they can see upon his return.

Writes of her activities and domestic matters including making chutney and marmalade as well as going to Red Cross meeting to receive mementos her for work done on penny a week club. Continues with description of church service arranged for next of…

Writes of making cakes for prisoner of war raffle and collecting contributions round the neighbourhood. Catches up with friends news and mentions offer from chartered accountants library to supply professional material. Writes of other organisations…

Writes she is sorry that number of letters he can receive a month has been reduced to four and that she has tracked source of other correspondence. Mentions that she has got a job to help war effort and that her sister and neighbours would help to…

She writes about attending an ambulance station bazaar which Dame Myra Hess formally opened; going to hear a speech by Sir Walter Monkton about prisoners of war; selling flags on Flag day for London; daily/social activities and her factory work.

A letter to Malcolm from his Grandparents. A lot of domestic news but also congratulates Malcolm on his promotion.

Letter to Ken from his wife while he was still in Canada, but about to return to England. She thanks him for a parcel and says that she is looking forward to him coming home.

Thanks her for letter and states that Rose has contacted Red Cross office who have had no news. Writes about state of Chelmsford and catches up with family news. Mentions lack of sleep due to generally getting two sirens a night.

Opens by expressing concern over wife’s health issues. Goes on to give news about upcoming leave. Mentions crew outing to Scunthorpe. Provides details of tenth operation which was a successful daylight operation. Mentioned that the crew had now…

Had just received four letters from him, all by airmail but some had taken longer than others. Worried about cost to him of airmail. Passes on sad news of loss of friend. and news of others missing and awarded medals. Catches up with family news,…

Writes of father going out for fire watching duty on a snowy night. Comments on the days weather and that it had been a rough winter. Still waiting for letters the last came at the end of January. Writes there was no more news of loss of a friend.…

Comments on weather and arrival of spring and tells of her activities. Writes that they still have good wholesome food despite rationing. Catches up with news of friends, gossip and other activities. Mentions drastic reduction in petrol ration which…

Writes of lengthening days, good weather and local area. Mentions their activities going for a walk but still deep snow. Writes that she sent him a cable previous Saturday and awaiting reply. Writes of daffodils and snowdrops in shops again but…

Written by his father saying that mother is better letter writer and he leaves it mostly to her. Mentions sending him a cable on previous day. Writes about his activities including fire watch duties. Talk about his business and that the letter is…

Writes of weather, mentions she got many letter for her birthday and comments on bad weather noted in some and other news. Mentions shortage of onions and continues with other gossip. Comments on butter ration and that she has become a clever soup…
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