Browse Items (2051 total)

  • Tags: ground personnel

Four photographs from an album.
#1. Starboard view of Lancaster AS-U standing at dispersal. The bomb doors are open and protective covers fitted over the rear and mid-upper turrets. The rear door is open and the ladder in place and the H2S dome can…

Five armourers preparing bombs under a Lancaster. Behind a second Lancaster is being prepared with two ground crew standing on the wings above the inner engines.

Snowy landscape with five Lancasters on their dispersals, in the foreground tractor and bomb trolley with large bomb, armourers waiting to load.

Snowy landscape, taken from an elevated view point showing large number of Lancasters lined up either side of the cleared taxiway or perimeter track. Some personnel are standing in the snow. Engine trestles, bomb trolleys with bombs, and hangars in…

Six Lancasters lined up on the ground. Another can be seen in the far distance. Airmen with bicycles are sitting on the grass. This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A Halifax 'Popeye's Purge' about to touch down, watched by a single airman. In front is a red and white control caravan attached to a small truck.

Servicemen and servicewomen in uniform and one woman in civilian dress behind a long counter. Bunting and flags decorate the room.

Servicemen and servicewomen in uniform and one woman in civilian dress behind a long counter. Bunting and flags decorate the room. A sergeant stands in front of counter on the left.

A large group of airmen arranged in five rows in front of a Whitley.

A large group of airmen, all wearing battledress, some with visible brevet, sitting and standing in front of a B-24. Another B-24 in the distance on the right.

Forty airmen mostly wearing uniform tunic with a few in battledress in three rows. Front row squatting the other standing. In the background a Lancaster. Two versions of the same item.

A large group of airmen wearing variety of uniform sitting and standing in three rows in front of a Lancaster.

A large group of airmen in a variety of dress in front of a corrugated iron building with a number of windows. On the reverse 'Skelly 43, 50-61 Sqns armourers + bom [sic] dump'.

A cloth badge awarded to a Leading Aircraftman.

Leading Aircraftsman Frank Tolley, in uniform, standing beside a car. On the reverse

'1152777 LAC Tolley FS
Block 7, Room 5,
RAF Station,
nr Nuneaton,

Records Margaret Logan's service as between 25 May 1944 and 10 October 1947.

She is described by her commanding officer as:
'A very good conscientious airwoman. Has carried out her duties in a very capable manner. Keen, willing and uses…

A card issued to Jose allowing her to buy rations.

A card allowing Jose to purchase rations.

A card issued to Jose allowing her to buy rations.

Rows of WAAFs listening to a lecture. At the front a civilian is pointing to a map of Germany.

Large group of airmen and WAAFs grouped around a Christmas Tree.

A group of six airmen sitting on a grass embankment. Behind is a lorry and a brick building. Leonard Dorricott is in the centre, front row.

Author (probably Roy J de Niese) gives some information on recruitment and training of Ceylonese volunteers for the RAF. Includes his recruitment and initial training in Ceylon, travel to Great Britain, enlistment, elementary flying training and…
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