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  • Tags: aerial photograph

Bottom left - oblique aerial photograph of a town with destroyed and damaged buildings. Captioned 'Unknown town'. Submitted with description 'Oblique "Cook's tour" aerial photo of unknown town showing bomb damage'.

Bottom - oblique aerial photograph of town with railway running left to right through middle. Captioned 'Unknown town'. Submitted with description 'Oblique "Cook's tour" aerial photo of unknown town.'.

This is West Essen, the photo is taken…

Top - target photograph showing smoke from bomb explosions, small area of buildings visible bottom left corner. Submitted with description 'Aerial photo of Osnabruck after a bombing attack, showing smoke. Ministry No. C5130'.
Bottom - target…

Top - oblique aerial photograph of a town with damaged multi-story buildings. Submitted with description 'Oblique "Cook's tour" aerial photo of unknown town showing bomb damage. Ministry No. CL 2173'.
Bottom - a man sitting in front of a wireless…

Top - four airmen, two wearing greatcoats, one battledress and one flying jacket, two with shovels, standing in line in snow in front of a Lancaster. Other aircraft parked in the distance behind. Submitted with description 'Clearing snow, RAF…

Hazy target photograph showing tracer on left and an arrow middle right side. Captioned '4039METH 20/21.3.45//NT08", 1 HC4000 IN 15 GP 500 DT22 Sec W/C LEVIS'. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Bohlen synthetic oil refinery, dated…

Target photograph of industrial area top right with roads and buildings. Captioned '324 METH. 25/26.3.44//NT 5", 6,600 ft, LYONS RD.W.18x30, W/C PIERCY. Z/106'. Submitted with description 'Target photo of of the Signa aero engine works, Lyons, taken…

Top - target photograph showing fields on the left and a built up area with rows of buildings on the right. There is a four engine bomber below bottom left. Captioned '529 METH. 3/4.5.44//NT 8" 6,500' 219 degrees 00.17, MAILY.Rd.F 1x4000HC 16x500MC.…

Top - target photograph showing Bordeaux with Garonne river top right. Captioned '2005 METH 11.8.44//8". 18,000" 010 degrees, `16.33, BORDEAUX E. 6x2000. C. 36 sec. F/O MEREDITH E/106'. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Bordeaux on 11th Aug…

Top - target photograph showing tracer lines and explosions. Caption too faint to read. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Gnome-Rhone factory at Gennevilliers on 9/10 May 1944. Photo taken from Lancaster ND682, ZN-K. Captain: P/O…

Top - a reconnaissance photograph of results of a bombing attack. From a newspaper article. The photograph shows the Mittelland canal running bottom left to top right and very many bomb craters concentrated in middle with canal edges and embankment…

Left - full face portrait of an airman wearing tunic with flight engineer brevet. Submitted with description 'Full-face photo of unidentified flight engineer'. Right - reconnaissance photograph with text description of the Kembs dam across the Grand…

Left and right - side by side reconnaissance photographs showing the centre of the town of Bocholt with river Bocholter Aa flowing top to bottom with two distinctive bow’s to the right towards the top of the photograph. The large road crossing…

Vertical aerial photographs showing on the left an industrial area with roads and buildings and on the right the same area with most of the structures destroyed. Explanatory text underneath 'Zeitz. The left hand photograph shows this synthetic oil…

Vertical aerial photograph showing explosions and smoke coming up from what seems to be a power station or oil storage facility. There are two round towers or tanks partially visible through the smoke and the plant is surrounded by bomb-cratered open…

Side by side reconnaissance photographs showing an industrial area with buildings, roads and towards the right, some railway sidings. This industrial area is orientated from lower left to top right. Chimney smoke is seen on the left hand photograph.…

Oblique aerial photograph of a town totally destroyed. Large structure lower left, probably church. Submitted with description 'Oblique aerial photo showing bomb damage to an unidentified urban area'.

Reconnaissance photograph showing a river running top to bottom and a bridge crossing in the middle with several spans down. There are many craters on both sides of the river. Explanatory note 'NIENBURG BRIDGE over the river Weser after the attack by…

Oblique aerial photograph showing a built up area on bottom half and open countryside above. Rocket trails from top left to centre. Submitted with description 'Target photo of rocket attack on an unidentified group of buildings. The handwritten…

Oblique aerial photograph of an industrial site with most buildings destroyed and many without roofs. Road runs through from bottom left corner to top centre. Tall chimney top right and building with several small chimneys top left. Captioned 'Krupps…

Top - a runway with FIDO aflame on edges. A Mosquito is landing on left side. Submitted with description 'Mosquito landing with the aid of FIDO. Date and location not recorded'.
Bottom - side by side target photographs of port area showing aiming…

Reconnaissance photograph of an oil refinery on a peninsular with large plume of smoke from damaged oil tanks upper right area. Oslofjord is to the left with Prinds Christians Batterie just visible on the edge top left. Explanatory note underneath…

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph taken over Frankfurt. All the detail is obscured by light and anti-aircraft fire. It is annotated '110 Mep 4/5.10.43//NT 8" 16000 --> 045° . 21.37 ½. Frankfurt. W. 10x30: 8…

Two items from a photo album.
Item 1 is a newspaper cutting about 75 Squadron, dated 1943.
Item 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during a training exercise, annotated ' C.1. N.U. 10-3-45 F7" F/Lt Guinane' and captioned ' "G.H." Simulated…

A vertical aerial photograph of Bad Oldesloe. The road pattern is clearly visible despite intermittent cloud cover. it is annotated '1436 Ched 23-4-45//7" 18000 339° 1039 Bad.Oldesloe . E. 6 ANM. 65 DT .9.MC.500.DT.1.BSF.C.32 secs. F/L Guinane . A.…
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