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  • Tags: pilot

Maurice standing in uniform with his pilot's wings.

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A sergeant pilot standing in uniform in front of buildings. On the reverse 'Not sure possibly Pete?'.

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A half length portrait of Maurice in dress uniform with pilot's wings.

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Covers enlistment and early training in the Royal Australian Air Force. Continues with description of journey to England via the United States and training in England. Lists his crew formed during training. Joined 102 Squadron with Halifax Mk 3 on 12…

Norman George Smith completed his Australian training as a pilot before being posted to the UK. He was posted to 463 Squadron where he completed ten trips before the war ended. Although he was an officer Norman would borrow his navigator’s jacket…

A half length portrait of Maurice with his wings.

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Maurice standing in front of a railway carriage belonging to Canadian National. On the reverse 'On the way up from the States'.
On a second copy of the reverse is added 'Maurice. Training complete on the way back to MonctonCanada [sic] for return…

Notes recorded by Maurice during his pilot training.

Pilot’s flying log book for Maurice Cecil Stimpson, covering the period from 19 December 1941 to 30 July 1943. Detailing his flying training and operation flown. He was stationed at RAF Perth, USAAC Alabany, USAAC Moody Field, RAF Little…

The letter asks if his mother has entered his news in the Observer.
In a second copy a caption 'This was the last letter Maurice wrote to his mother and was received the day after Maurice's death. RIP'.

The letter advises that Maurice is now considered killed in combat.

The letter accompanies a cheque and offers congratulations and best wishes.

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The telegram congratulates him on his grand achievement.

The message advises Maurice that a Swan Pen has been obtained and he does not have to feel obliged to accept.

The telegram congratulates Maurice on his grand achievement.

A head and shoulders portrait of Cyril in uniform, with pilot's wings.

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List of crew in which Charlie Warner flew as flight engineer, that was shot down on 3/4 September 1943. All were killed except the front gunner who was a prisoner of war.

A large group of men wearing athletics kit sitting and standing in four rows in front of a wooden building. Sitting centre of front row three officers wearing tunics and peaked caps, the centre officer has pilot's brevet. Captioned 'Athletics team…

Nine airmen, six sitting on a sofa, two standing behind and one sitting on stage on the right with a trombone. All are wearing tunics, six with pilot's brevet visible and two with sergeants rank. Most are holding drinks or beer bottles; one man is…

A battle order prepared for the squadron listing aircraft, code, crew, and operations,

Top left - view on landing from aircraft window of airport buildings including control tower. Runway in foreground. Captioned 'Taken just as we landed at Dum-Dum aerodrome, Calcutta, March 46'.
Top right - snake charmer with snake in basket.…

Photograph of twelve aircrew all grinning some with thumbs up. Text explains they were some of the aircrew who took part in the great aerial battle of Heligoland. Pencilled note 'Jan 5th 1940'.
Aircraftman Harry Gillott is standing second right.

The pilot who dropped the first 'Ten-Ton Tess' bomb on Germany was awarded bar to DSO.
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