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  • Tags: ground personnel

Seven photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is groups of airmen on parade, annotated '1-4-43'.
Photo 2 is two men arms lined, one man in goggles, at the coast.
Photo 3 is four WAAFs beside a stone and thatch structure.
Photo 4 and 5 are groups of…

Barbara sitting on a wall.

Barbara sitting on a grassy hillside. On the reverse 'Ramsey May 1945'.

George and Barbara leaning on the promenade railings. Barbara in uniform, George dressed casually. On the reverse 'June 28th, 1945 On Ramsey Prom - just outside the Imperial'.

Two photographs of Dhoon Glen.
Photo 1 is a waterfall. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Waterfall in Dhoon Glen'.
Photo 2 is Barbara standing beside a tree. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Dhoon Glen That's not a monkey - its me!'

George and Barbara with a dog on the beach. On the reverse 'June 28th, 1945. On Ramsey Beach'.

Barbara in uniform sitting on a stone wall. On the reverse 'June / 45 All my love darling Babs xxxx'.

Five photographs of Barbara in uniform.
Photo 1 is Barbara walking up a hill overlooking Ramsay.
Photo 2 is Barbara leaning on a bridge at Dhoon Valley. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945 On one of the wee bridges across the Dhoon'.
Photo 3 is…

George and Barbara standing together. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Dhoon Bay. The first photograph we have ever had taken together'.

Barbara sitting on a hillside. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Dhoon Bay'.

Margaret Hourigan in Women's Auxiliary Air Force uniform with the rank of sergeant

Five soldiers, one RAF leading aircraftsman and a Military Police corporal, grouped at rear of a lorry.

A large group of airmen sitting and standing in five rows. In the background three Lancaster in line. It is believed that I A Wynn is in the photograph as it was taken before 25/26 May 1943. Additional information about this item was kindly provided…

An Australian airman, a WAAF, another airman and a Wing Commander socializing.

A framed photograph of 101 squadron on VJ day 15th August 1945. A large group of squadron personnel are arranged in six rows on front of a Lancaster.

A large group of airmen and ground crew arranged in four rows in front of a hangar. On the ground is a covering of snow.

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Lancaster, captioned 'Our kite Beany Baker'. On the reverse of 5 '440'.
Photo 2 is of a shirtless airman sitting in the cockpit viewed from the ground. The nose art is of a Bear annotated 'Bring 'em back alive'. The…

Five items from an album.
Item 1 is a Mess card from RAF Locking.
Item 2 is an address card for William Jones, part of his mess card.
Item 3 is the reverse of the address card.
Item 4 is the monthly charges at the Mess.
Item 5 is the cover of…

William's pass card and a photograph of ten airmen.
RAF Form 295A issued to William containing details of his temporary leave.
The photograph is captioned 'Aircrew and Erks' and has ten men in two groups in front of a hangar.

Top, eight ground arranged round tables, captioned 'Looking fat at school'.
Bottom, four men about to hit a tool with a hammer, captioned 'Fitters?'

RAF Form 295A issued to William to allow him leave whilst at 54MU. Captioned 'On to 54.MU later to be demobbed'.

A group of air and ground crew positioned in front of their aircraft.

Covers introduction, responsibilities of a commander, structure of a headquarters staff, the policy staff, control of a branch, coordination of staff work, organisation of the air branch, the plans section, the operations section, the intelligence…
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