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  • Tags: ground crew

Seven aircrew wearing Mae West and parachute harnesses stand in line with two ground crew, third and fifth from the left. Squatting in front, three more ground crew. On the right behind the nose of a Halifax with nose art female figure and text…

A large group of personnel sitting and standing in three rows in front of a Halifax. In addition large groups of airmen are sitting and standing across the top of the wings and engines. Submitted with caption '78 Sqn Breighton after VE Day'.

Two ground crew working on an aircraft engine while a squadron leader wearing battledress and peaked cap watches. Submitted with caption '78 Sqn Halifax Eng personnel at work'.

A large group of personnel sitting and standing in five rows in front of a Halifax.

Top left - twelve airmen pose in front of the starboard wing of a Halifax. Captioned 'George after 28th, lost on 29th'.
Top right - seven airmen pose in line under the nose of a Halifax, Captioned 'George ground crew'.
Top two titled…

A large group of airmen sitting and standing in four rows with wooden huts in the background. Captioned '78 Squadron, Wing CO. Tait, Croft . Darlington'.

Five armourers preparing bombs under a Lancaster. Behind a second Lancaster is being prepared with two ground crew standing on the wings above the inner engines.

Photo 1 has seven air and three ground crew lined up in front of their Lancaster.
Photo 2 is the seven aircrew with their Lancaster behind.
Photo 3 is the ten men arranged in two roes in front of the port/rear of the their Lancaster QR-H, NF997.

Seven photographs from an album.
Photos 1, 2 and 3 are air to air photographs of two Dominies, captioned 'RAF Stradishall, Norfolk, 1971. Summer Camp. Dominie aircraft of No 1 Air Navigation School'.
Photo 4 is a Slingsby Cadet glider of the Air…

Nine airmen arranged at the tail of a Lancaster. The seven crew are joined by two ground crew.

A large group of airmen wearing variety of uniform sitting and standing in three rows in front of a Lancaster.

Book for 976029 Sergeant John Frederick Walter Warner. Overseas service from 9.11.1942 to 9/11/1945. Served from 19.12.1939 to 10/03/1946. Awarded Africa Star and clasp, Italy Star and 1939-45 Star. Trade engine fitter.

A side view of a flying boat at the side of the sea. On the reverse 'Beaching crew at work on a 10 year old sea plane used for primary training'.

US Navy and UK aircrew waiting. On the reverse 'Hanging round flight [indecipherable] ready for "hops". '

Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing battledress with side cap under shoulder tab. Submitted with information 'Studio portrait of John Gerald Taylor in uniform, submitted with caption; “…Edith’s husband, now deceased, who was RAF…

Maurice and eight crew members, including ground crew. They are sat on a tractor in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse '2 Groundcrew from L Harold, Johny, Joe, Robinson, Roy, Bill, Maurice.'

Ten airmen and three airwomen, nine standing and four crouching in front, all in front of a four engined bomber. Six airmen have visible brevet, the man front right a pilot, the other five have half brevet. Two of the women wear battledress and the…

A letter awarding a DSO to Lancaster ME746 for 100 operations.

Aircrew and ground crew holding the DSO awarded to Lancaster ME746 AS-R2 (Roger Squared).
There are five similar images of the event. In the second photo there are more operations added to the nose and R2 has been painted on. The last has some text…

A head and shoulders portrait of Dennis.

A large group of airmen arranged in five rows in front of a Whitley.

Two pages with nine photographs.
#1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are Dennis standing in uniform.
#5 is Dennis standing but dressed casually.
#7 is four men including Dennis at the tail of an Oxford.
#8 is 16 airmen in the snow outside a wooden hut.
#9 is…

A brief biography of Dennis featuring photographs described in the collection. It covers his training and service as a fitter in the UK and Canada. He maintained a Lancaster that completed 124 ops and the aircraft was, unusually, awarded a DSO.
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