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  • Tags: military living conditions

Writes about how happy he was to receive lots of letters following the birth of her baby Michael. Looking forward to leave at the end of month so he can see him and (when he his a longer leave, even take him out in his pram). Writes about life on his…

Bill writes to his mother mentioning no leave over Christmas and about his excitement at being selected to go to an Elementary Flying Training School near Aberdeen and if he makes the grade, the opportunity to go to the USA, possibly California. He…

Bill writes home describing saying goodbye to everyone at the chapel, his experience of Christmas 1941 and the antics of his fellow cadets. He writes 'Christmas in the RAF seems to be summed up in the one word "BOOZE"'. He didn't join in at all but…

Last letter before leaving West Freugh. Writes about potential choice next courses as navigator or bomb aimer. Chooses navigator course at Upper Heyford. Considered navigator as harder job. Catches up with news and writes in pencil at the end that he…

Writes of insect bite and catches up with family news.

Excited that cadets now have own mess and, although not popular with the ground crew, aircrew need a special diet. Food is now much better and describes meals. Writes of flight up to near…

Writes from the Receiving Centre of his billet in a 'rather nice block of flats' near Regents Park and of walking round looking at bomb damage to some old haunts in London.

They go to the zoo for their meals ('lot of monkeys').

Will on be at…

Bill is at the Receiving Centre in London. He writes that he has had a good Sunday with going to a Baptist Chapel and being invited for tea by the pastor and meeting up with another cadet - 'I can say my first Sunday in the RAF has been splendid'. …

Bill writes that he is about to be posted within London for a short period. [page missing] Have been given food to improve night vision but he really misses getting fresh milk. Are about to move and really feel they have left 'civvie street'…

A detailed letter from Bill to his family, explaining life and events in the RAF Camp.

Includes orderly room administration duties, being captain of squadron running team, being issued with flying kit (which he details), exams, his visit to an…

Bill writes that he is looking forward to coming home on leave in a week's time. All the parades have paid off since they have been given some extra leave. Before then have a whole week of exams. Trying to find out about the trains, but will have…

Bill writes describing his new living accommodation in Sulhamstead House, Theale, where his bedroom overlooks rose gardens, park land etc. All except the flying takes place here, whereas the airfield is a couple of miles away. Writes about the…

Bill describes the set up at the Elementary Flying Training School, Theale where there were two flying courses and some Turkish students. He describes his first flight as a passenger which he found 'great'. Goes on to describe flying the next…

Letter written over several days. Initially expecting to have his flying test the next day and be able to return for leave soon after, but this is changed following snow. He and six others are unable to take their tests in time and remain at the…

Bill still does not know what is happening to him. Weather has been terrible for flying but he had to go up with the Commanding Officer and it went badly (page missing from letter, so no end to story).

Complains again about the lack of food and…

Disappointed to tell his mother that he has failed the flying test. Bill described the final test with the Chief Flying Instructor, which went badly, despite having completed a successful test beforehand with his own instructor. Has now been…

Writes to confirm that he has arrived in Brighton, although clearly wasn't expected by anyone and took some time to get a bed. He is waiting for posting to Air Observers Navigation School. Has met up with friends and was delighted to receive parcel…

Bill writes that he doesn't have much time to write letters. He has managed to take a couple of long walks on the downs and around Beachy Head and through local villages. Mentions allowance that should be sent home for mother. Exams next week and…

Bill writes that he hasn’t received a letter from her for a while, but did get the one she sent on from a friend. He also writes that he is expecting to be posted to Eastbourne shortly with 120 others but this will mean he has to start work again.…

Bill wishes he had more letters from home recently. The work is much harder than on the pilot's course and he is struggling to get the hang of the using a sextant. Describes daily training hours through the week, but have games on Tuesday…

Thanks her for parcel including half a cheese-cake. Describes in detail afternoon ground school activity practice plotting an attack on Saarbrucken in Stirlings. They are using the instructors actual logs to do the plots. Notes there will be a stiff…

Writes of journey from home to Eastbourne. Mentions mid course exams coming up that week and end of course exams in 3 or 4 weeks time. Says it was good to be home, but such a rush around he wished for a longer stay.

Tells of meeting land girl on train while returning from leave. Writes of games afternoon, played golf. Writes of changes to plans for next leave because has the 'fateful medical' the next day. Notes very good weather.

Bill gives details of his expected travel arrangements for his seven-day leave at the end of the week. As he will be part-way through his final exams and has the medical on Saturday, he will leave soon after.

Mentions air raid warning but no…

Writes about exams and passing. Mentions leave possibility and church parade. Speculates over embarkation and writes of being re-equipped. Starts writing about a friend's experience of a bombing attack on Bath but then breaks off. Resumes to write of…

Writes that he is still alive despite Lord Haw Haw's broadcast of German bombing attacks on Eastbourne. Mentions damage to nearby buildings. Describes attack by Me 109s including machine gunning and dropping bombs - and how they had to hide from the…
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