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  • Tags: military living conditions

Letter from Leading Aircraftsman David Boldy to his father about becoming a qualified air gunner, his celebrations on qualifying and now he and the five others are awaiting posting, so he is spending some time with his friends and his girlfriend…

Letter from David Boldy to his mother and brother. Exclaims the benefit French reinforcements after a peace treaty; discusses his financial affairs and mentions his daily routine and chores; he describes the taking of his ‘ghastly’ official…

Letter discussing his health and his relationship with Joyce.

Thanks him for having allowed them six barrels of beer for a farewell party for aircrew leaving the squadron.

Letter to catering officer of RAF Foulsham thanking him for excellent catering arrangements for party on previous night.

He writes about her new baby girl. Davis has been posted to Scampton and has had several operations over Europe. His quarters and food are good. He talks about friends and asks her to write.

Writes that he hopes communication with the family is working and encourages sister on her future employment opportunities post war. In a separate section talks of life in Canada. Although appears to be written at Moncton the letter was posted in…

Short letter as he is packing to move. He includes a ration coupon as he feels guilty about consuming families rations on visit home. Will write again when he gets to new station.

Apologises over unannounced visit home the catches up with family and friend news. Mentions he is exploring local countryside by bicycle and had attended a concert in Stafford. Mentions flying in 'Wimpey' and that crew is well on bail out drill.

Reports his arrival at Castle Kennedy and comments on the state of the camp. Mentions he should be home in a month after course complete.

Reports arrival of letters written after hearing that he was alive and well. Assumed it was a shock and did not know how the mistake happened, Mentions mail restrictions being lifted. Says he had his hair shaved off and there had been the first snow.…

Reports arrival of latest letters and hopes his are getting through. Mentions arrival of parcel and list some contents. Writes that he will need a new pair of pyjamas. Comments on land settlement in Rhodesia for ex-servicemen. Mentions starting a…

Note at top that although dated 1943 meant 1944. Writes that he burned all his letters and that he had received one from her nearly every week apart from when they received the incorrect report from the red cross in 1942. Apologises that there was…

Notes arrival of latest letter and arrival of a selection of books with which he is very pleased. Comments on books and says he will send list in next letter which he will dispatch by registered airmail. Writes of acquaintance who is still missing…

Acknowledges receipt of letter and glad mother is feeling better. Proposes numbering his letters, this is number 1. Writes of news of crew and other gossip. Continues letter at later time and says he is in better spirits than the last time he wrote.…

Letter number 7. Writes he has been in bed all day resting after duties of the night. Says he and the boys are all OK. Had not been to town since last Wednesday. Thanks them for their letter but is concerned they would not get this one from him due…

Reports arrival of latest letter. Sorry his cables take so long to get to them and they are investigating the reason. Discusses their difficulties with parcels for him but says he is looking forward to them arriving. Writes that he would like their…

Letter number sixteen. First letter from him as Pilot Officer J D Hudson and has moved into officers mess. Writes of celebrating with the boys previous night. Mentions daily routine in officers mess and describes new billet. Says the food was much…

Mentions strong wind blowing bringing heat and sand and describes how they manage their days in the heat. Thinks he is better acclimatised than previous year. Reports good supply of Red Cross food and lists contents. Tells story of what they did…

Had received no new letters but was pleased to get a telegram to which he replied on the same day. Mentions problem with a cable that was returned because it needed his Christian name appending which delayed it. Discusses new scheme for cables to be…

Catches up with mail with photographs and cables received. Writes that they have obtained film and mentions plans for photographs. Discusses problem with cable he tried to send. Mentions recent visit by Red Cross representative who investigated…

Catches up with mail sent and received. Mentions he is sunburned and comments on local weather. Writes that it is grape season and they are five francs a kilo. Mentions his weight, food and exercise opportunities. Goes on to comment on conditions and…

Reports letters that have arrived since his last letter to them and a cable that only took two days. Mentions letters from other people but he could not write back to them all because of his mail allowance and lack of post cards. Catches up with…

Thanks her for letter and postal order but asks her not to send any more money as he had a high rate of pay. Mentions military events of last year and describes Christmas in the desert which was a great success. Wonders when the war would end and…

Describes a typical day in camp including: recovering from a party, dance in the sergeants' mess. Comments on his stage of training and writes of lectures in cold hut. Mentions girlfriend. Attempting to get 48-hour pass without luck. Includes printed…
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