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  • Tags: home front

Part 1. Catches up with family news and comments on time mail takes to reach him. mentions he had heard of heavy air attack on Hull and hopes that they are all OK. Catches up with other news and gossip. Mentions bomb site scroungers and that he is…

Catches up with news of Norman's activities. Mentions hearing on the radio of air attack on Hull and hopes family are safe and well. Mentions the importance of having good friends.

Writes to correct dates of termination of tenancy of their allotment. Explains arrangement she made with new tenant were misunderstood by him and what she intended to do now with her crops.


Thanks him for letter and mentions arrival of washing and chocolate. Mentions negotiations about future affordability of gardener and work and crops required on allotment. Providers long discussion over pros and cons for future for gardener and…


Writes she is sorry he has not heard from her and details letters and parcel she has sent. Asks that he gives his opinion on the way forward with gardener. Relates her daily activities, shopping trips and baby preparations. Provides detailed list of…

Writes of relation who has gone missing at sea. Mentions she is doing to help interned woman acquaintance who will be coming to stay with her and catches up with family news. Says she will be lady of leisure with gardener, home help and internee…


Writes of daily domestic activities and visits from friends. Mentions financial arrangements with her sister and that she will be able to manage household on RAF money and other income. Catches up with family and baby news. Commiserates over his poor…

Writes of successful shopping expedition and getting oranges, tomatoes, chocolate and cigarettes. Continues with news of savings group and what she is reading. Mentions other domestic matters and housekeeping expenses. Catches up with family and baby…

Reports arrival of parcel with socks, chocolate, sweets and honey. Mentions filling out form for billeting office providing particulars of people living in house and hopes they will not have anyone billeted with her. Continues with news of her…

Writes that she has just seen film Target for Tonight which she found real and vivid. Mentions seeing a colleague of his in sergeants uniform and pilots wings. Talks of books and Christmas presents. Reports seeing newsreel of Churchill's meeting with…

Reports his letters and money that have arrived. Mentions soap coupons and difficulties in finding anything to spend them on. Discusses fuel rationing and ordering coal. Mentions gardening and other domestic issues. Writes of visit to friend with…


Writes that she has been billeted and that she is very disappointed and cut up about him not getting a commission. Hopes that he might be chosen for specialised training on strength of his navigation results and get another chance of a commission.…

Writes about putting up air raid shelter and how they will use it. Continues with news of daily activities and mentions putting advert in paper for daily help.

Writes of her recent activities including shopping and national gallery concert. Mentions present of home made butter, progress of baby daughter and gardening. mentions telephone delay and hopes he will get leave soon.

Writes of daily activities and Mrs Stenzel's jam making. mentions savings scheme and cost of armoured piecing bombs. Continues with more gossip of her and family activities and concludes with comment on his smoking.


She thanks him for returning five photograps to her. Writes about difficulties with weekend visit to the country. She mentions that she is worried that a neighbour’s house was burgled and that she had notified the police sergeant that her and her…

Written as civil defence duties finished. Thanks for loyal support. Notes final parade on 10 June 1945.

Catches up with news and family. Mentions three alarms / sirens and guns and some war news.


Thanks him for last letter and describes a daylight German attack near his office. Two bombs dropped nearby but did not explode and were dealt with by Royal Engineers. Two oil bombs were also dropped, but these landed on waste ground. Mentions life…

Writes about stories of damage to Hull in bombing related by him and other acquaintances. Enquires about other people and relates some family news. Mentions that things are not comfy at her location due to bombing but she wished to stay with her…

From M H Grundy mentions that he had seen Douglas's family and told them that he had received mail from Douglas and allowed them to read them. Continues with news of blitz on Manchester and his going to cinema as first visit since the bombing. Asks…

From Mildred H Grundy writes pleased to receive his letter and notes that it was a long time in transit. Writes of her activities including fire watching and her job. Writes of putting clocks back and having to go to bed earlier. mentions Queen's…

Had just received four letters from him, all by airmail but some had taken longer than others. Worried about cost to him of airmail. Passes on sad news of loss of friend. and news of others missing and awarded medals. Catches up with family news,…

Writes of father going out for fire watching duty on a snowy night. Comments on the days weather and that it had been a rough winter. Still waiting for letters the last came at the end of January. Writes there was no more news of loss of a friend.…

Comments on weather and arrival of spring and tells of her activities. Writes that they still have good wholesome food despite rationing. Catches up with news of friends, gossip and other activities. Mentions drastic reduction in petrol ration which…
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