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Ernie Twells is climbing on the starboard outer engine of Lancaster PB414. The view is from the inside the aircraft. On the reverse is 'PB414 Yagodnik'.

The two starboard engines of a Lancaster viewed from inside the aircraft. In the background are two more Lancasters, On the reverse 'PB415 Yagodnik'.

A group of six airmen, Ernie Twells is third from right, standing in front of a Lancaster. Flight Lieutenant Knights is third from the left. All have their hands behind their backs except one man who has his right hand in his pocket.

Flight Lieutenant Knights and crew. Ernie Twells is third from right, standing in front of a Lancaster. Flight Lieutenant Knights is third from the left.

The two starboard engines of a Lancaster viewed from inside the aircraft. In the background…

Three quarters portrait of six airmen standing in front of a Lancaster. Four are wearing side caps, two caps. All have their hands behind their backs except one man who has his right hand in his pocket. Ernie Twells is third from right.

Shows two bomb loads. Details preselection settings. Includes Window, timings, route, wave aircraft allocations, marking methods, pathfinders timings, and other instructions. Struck through and annotated 'Scrubbed' in large red letters. On the…

Target photograph of Trossy St Maximin. Red dot left of centre. Three Lancasters flying below. River Oise bottom right. Partially obscured by cloud smoke and dust but bomb explosions, bomb craters roads and field patterns visible. Captioned '3°F',…

Air-to-air view of Lancaster, PG-H' flying almost solid cloud cover. The image is taken looking back to the front/port side.

Four airmen standing at the tail of a Lancaster. Flight Lieutenant Sedgewick is holding a parachute harness and there are two more parachutes and harnesses on the ground. Leonard Dorricott is standing second from the right. An engine trestle is in…

Shows two bomb loads for operation, one for six aircraft the other for seven. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as Window, timing, bombing heights and wave H+ times for four waves. On the reverse Pathfinder marking,…

Lists next of kin for crew of Lancaster from 44 Squadron lost on night of 25/26 July 1944. Page is scribbled over with blue line.

Shows a single bomb load for operation with distributor, preselection and false height settings. Includes weights and timings and three waves with seven, six and six squadron aircraft respectively. Page is struck through and annotated 'Scrubbed'. On…

Target photograph of Trossy St Maximin. Partially obscured by cloud, smoke and dust. Runway intersection and many bomb craters clearly visible. Also visible are bomb explosions, roads, woods, field boundaries and a Lancaster flying below. Captioned…

Target photograph of Trossy St Maximin. Majority of photograph obscured by smoke and dust, in area not obscured roads, woods and field boundaries clearly visible. Two Lancasters flying below also visible. Captioned '3°F', '4B', '1681 SKELL.3.8.44.//…

Target photograph of Gilze-Rijen. Partially obscured by smoke and dust, bomb explosions visible. The end of the runway, a taxi way, two Lancasters flying below and roads also visible. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '2132 SKELL.15.8.44.//.8" 17000 [arrow]…

Half length portrait of Dr Brendan Nelson standing and holding Len Dorricott's log book. Behind is the nose of Lancaster G for George. On the reverse
'Dr Brendan Nelson
Australian War Memorial
Sergeant Len Dorricott's Flying Logbook
Donated by…

Half length portrait of Dr Brendan Nelson standing and holding Len Dorricott's log book open at the front page. Behind is Lancaster G for George at the Australian War Memorial.

Lists names and addresses for seven named crew who went missing night 4/5 October 1944

A letter from No 10 Downing Street to air officer commanding-in-chief, Bomber Command, complimenting the RAF on their success in bombing Augsburg.

Details about the operation on the MAN u-boat engine factory in Augsburg and the decorations awarded to the crew members.

Air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster 'VN-N' in flight, taken to the front, port side and slightly above.

Four airmen standing at the tail of a Lancaster. One man is holding a parachute harness and there is another parachute and harness on the ground.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Eight airmen standing and three kneeling in front of Lancaster 'G for George'. The machine guns have been removed from the front turret. An aircrew member is standing on the right, wearing sunglasses.
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