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  • Tags: childhood in wartime

Four children sitting round a table. A girl on the right is in a high chair and a boy in centre is back to the camera. There are Christmas crackers on the table. In the background windows. On the reverse 'No 46, Sergeant J R M Valentine, British…

A group of 27 people in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Aircrew, ground crew on opposite page'. Photograph shows 26 air force personnel in two rows. The back row standing all have aircrew brevet. 12 are wearing side caps and one an officer's peaked…

Top left - a full length image of an airman wearing tunic with half brevet and sergeant rank and a side cap, standing in a garden with a dog seated on his left.
Top right - an airman wearing tunic with half brevet and sergeant rank squatting down in…

Photographs of the five children and their gravestone

Popeye doll with red scarf, blue jumper and trousers taken on flights by a crew for luck. The word 'Foreign' is written on the back of its neck.
The mascot was recovered from the crash of Lancaster WS-O LM432. The aircraft was flying from Manston…

A postcard from George Shephard Johns sent to his mother and father, Harold Johns and Florence Shephard. In the postcard George thanks his parents for the card he received from them.

Hector's stories about growing up in wartime Edgcott. His family moved there in 1941 when he was 10. He covers his school life, working on his father's farm, mock fighting, playing on a bombing range, working as a cowman, tractor work, working in a…

Jean's stories about growing up in wartime England. Food features in her tales as do crashed RAF aircraft. She describes village life and personalities then tales about her village school.

A half length portrait of Roy Saunders, aged eight.

Roy in scout uniform, September 1942.

Roy on VE day, wearing his boy scout uniform.

Ode to a local village girl whose mother took in washing from aircrew. Refers to 100 Squadron. Two versions both annotated 'Kathryn Reid, (half pint)' and other notes.

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A boy in tears with amputated hands is holding a green toy truck. His stumps are bandaged. Behind him, an explosion is throwing in the air four maimed children. On the reverse, different kinds of explosive devices are shown. The text urges not to…

Main article concerning differences in sea bathing for evacuated children on east or west coasts. Offers advice to parents. Includes Pop cartoon at top right.

Small child in a pram, on reverse, '8/8/30 4 P.C.S.'

Memoir detailing a teenage girl's experiences of the war. The document details experiences of evacuation, the blackouts, sounds of the war during air raids and what they saw on the streets of Liverpool.

Long table with table cloth, flower table decorations, bunting, plates of party food, young children seated at the table, mothers standing behind, houses in background.

On the left a woman wearing coat, on the right a sergeant airman wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet and side cap. Between the adults a girl and a boy. Captioned 'mum, Anne,Peter, Dad 1943 (edited), Irene Tansley, Anne, Peter & Ernest Tansley'.…

Irene Tansley on the left wearing dress. Ernest Tansley on the right wearing jacket and tie. with young Peter in front. They are standing on a path in a garden. Captioned 'photo is of Mum, Dad (EH Tansley) and my brother Peter, taken 1939'.…

Roy was evacuated four times.
The first to Isleham and he was accompanied by his maternal grandparents and Alan from next door. There was no electricity, water or sewerage in the farmhouse. Gas was installed but never used. Lighting was by paraffin…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, POWs released by the Russians, ex-Internees welcomed home, entertainment at the Camps, Escaped Prisoners…

Includes: editorial matters; music round the camps; official reports from the camps; (two pages missing); letters; how they help funds (fund raising at home); fun and games; news from the far east; parcel points; knitting pattern for 'waistcoat for…

Includes: editorial news; the food they like; the brighter side; the letters they write home; official reports from the camps; scenes from camp shows; notes on Oflag Va; how they help (fundraising at home); three men of the spearhead; examination…

A calendar for a child. A child is in a model aeroplane with a dog. There is also an enamel metal RAF badge. On the reverse 'All the best to you David, & boys of the Crew, Betty'. The front is signed by David's crew and has bombs indicating…

Describes growing up in the Netherlands before the war. Writes of the political situation in the Netherlands before the war. Mentions the invasion by the Germans and subsequently describes life under occupation. Includes photographs of Rotterdam…
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