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  • Tags: pilot

A large group of pilots wearing flying suits lying down, sitting and standing on Lwów-Skniłów airfield with hangars and a water tower in the distant background. Thee versions of the same image, the second submitted with caption 'A group of flyers'…

A newspaper cutting about Captain Edwin Swales DFC. His aircraft was badly damaged but he ordered his crew to leave and he went down with his aircraft.

A large group of airmen wearing tunics and peaked caps sitting and standing in four rows in front of a building with columned veranda. On the reverse 'Grandads pilot school, grandad is 3rd from right, back row'. Three versions of same image, the…

A pilot looking out of a Lancaster cockpit window. The photograph has been taken from the port wing looking forward.

Silver eagle with wreath in claws on chain

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A group of officers inspecting three other ranks. EJH Roberts is part of the inspection group, on the left of the photograph.

Eight airmen standing at the nose of their Lancaster. The nose art is a lady with 'Gee' painted beside her. Also painted are 48 bombs/operations.
Handwritten underneath on the mount is '3rd Left: EJH Roberts DFC (408451)

The two men are sitting on bombs. Behind is a Lancaster 'QR-G' of 61 Squadron. On the reverse 'No 5 (Right) EJH Roberts DFC (408451)'

Six airmen including EJH Roberts squatting on a street corner, drinking beer. On the reverse 'Left - EJH Roberts DFC (408541)'.

Five airmen at the rear entrance of a Lancaster 'ME72?'. On the reverse 'No. 3 2nd Left EJH Roberts DFC (408451)'.

A large group of airmen wearing tunics and peaked caps sitting and standing in four rows in front of a building with columned veranda. Two versions of the same image, the first has Polish language caption and some of the personnel are annotated with…

Note with day and night flying hours for Sergeant Soltysiak with and without screen pilot, as second pilot and instrument flying.

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For Sergeant B Soltysiak. Gives medical classification and other personal details. For 21 days sick leave then return to unit for ground duty.

RAF pilot's brevet

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The three men are posed together, one behind each other.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

Two photographs of Jack Penswick, Dave Pearce and Bob Everett with two women and a dog.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The group of six is identified in information supplied with the collection as Bob Everett and fiancee/wife, Jack, Man, Woman and Dave Pearce. The donor of the collection states 'I have a feeling that the man and woman are Dave Pearce's father and…

Seven airmen arranged in two rows. Each individual has signed the photograph.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Alf and his wife standing in a garden. Alf has his pilot's wings. On the reverse 'Alf & Vi soon after their marriage.

Alf, in uniform, standing in front of a ship. The image is annotated with his name. The rivets on the ship's hull are visible.

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34 airmen arranged in five rows. On the reverse each individual is named.

Eight airmen in khaki with trainee flashes in their caps. The airmen's first names are listed.

Eight aircrew all wearing battledress, some with brevet visible and holding cups, gathered round two urns. Another airman in background left.

Seven airmen, two wearing flying suits, the others battledress, two with Mae Wests standing in line in front of a bomber. One has a mascot tucked into his jacket.

Seven airman sitting round a table being debriefed by a Women's Auxiliary Air Force officer. A wing commander leans over from the right. There are papers, mugs and thermos flasks on the table. In the background another table with five airmen.
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