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  • Collection: Hudson, Douglas

Mentions what sort of day it is and wonders what he how he is passing his time. Catches upon news of visitors but says little other news. Continues with gossip on correspondence and news of family friends.

Just letting him know they are jogging along and still only one letter from him. Looks back over letters he wrote when stationed in England since 1939. Catches up with news of family and is still investigating sending him a newspaper. Someone wants…

Wonders if he is getting her letters and notes they have only had one from him so far. Catches up with news of family and activities. Reminisces about him starting school 18 years ago and not knowing what the future held. Wonders whether they would…

Wonders what he is doing and comments on days getting shorter. Is sorry that mail is not quicker and notes they have only had one letter from him so far. Glad he can make some English meals and get tea. Writes of home news, events and family and…

Thinking of him and looking forward to another letter from him. Writes of communication from Red Cross with label for a personal parcel for him and discusses what they are allowed to send. Will wait to hear if he needs anything and is concerned of…

Notes it was a week since his first letter and had hoped for another. Catches up with news of friends and family and comments on weather. Passes on love from others. Explored sending letters by airmail but post office said it was not worth the cost.…

Writes of their activities and is wondering what he is doing. Comments on weather. Notes Christmas in six weeks and sad they cannot get message to him before that. Mentions letters they have send and received from others. Catches up with news of…

Writes they are well and looking forward to another letter from him. States that mail took a long time and sorry they could not get in touch quickly. Wonders how seasons are with him and comments on weather. Catches up with news of friends, family…

Is very happy to have a letter from him after long weeks of waiting to hear any news. Tries to picture him in his surroundings and wonders how much he would miss the green of England. Mentions being informed by the air ministry that he was interned…

Delighted to receive his letter of 1st September and noted that it was in order with no deletions. Her investigations showed there was no quick way to get news to prisoners of war and suspected he would not get this letter until after the new year.…

Last letter before coming home on leave. Says he will be home tomorrow but does not know time. Writes that he will do clearing and be ready for posting after leave. Will celebrate when he gets home and will bring his cheque book.

Letter number 29. Thanks them for letter and mentions time mail takes. Catches up with news and talks of leave plans and nearly finished.

Letter number 28. Mentions receiving letters. Says no point going into town as will be too crowded. Discusses suitcase and his future and states that when he finishes he will have done his bit. Catches up with news and mentions leave coming up.

Letter number 27. Starting letter which he would finish next day. Retrieved his suitcase and brought it back on his bicycle. Mentions course in his future and that leave has been altered again. Question of which would come first, leave or finishing.…

Letter number 26. Writing letter on a warm afternoon. Thanks them for their letter and for sending suitcase. Discusses financial matters. Continues with other gossip and family news. Writes he was not on duty again that evening and that it was…

Letter number 25. Was on duty previous night, he and boys were all OK. Turns down their offer of more cigars and says he does like Turkish cigarettes. Catches up with other news and mentions film he has seen.

Letter number 24. Reports that the boys are all OK. Thanks them for his birthday parcel. Catches up with news and mentions letter from Moss Bros with bill for uniform. Comments on weather and that his last nights effort had gone up on the board.…

Letter number 23. Had just collected their registered parcel and thanks them for sending little items. Was on duty previous night which was a strange way to celebrate his birthday. He and the boys were OK. Reports arrival of small parcel from Aunt.…

Letter number 22. Thanks them for letter and catches up with other mail and news. Mentions that he was on duty previous night and coped well. Comments that they were told the end was in sight. Discusses pay and allowances and that he was sending…

Letter number 20. Had just woken up at 11 am after being on duty previous night which he wrote was a piece of cake. All the boys were OK. Says they will go the sergeants mess party that evening. Comments on weather, health and catches up with news.…

Letter number 20. Lets them know that he and the boys are OK. Writes he is getting tired and will be glad when leave starts. Has to stop as going off to the local village.

Letter number 19. Thanks them for letter and discusses problems with his watch glass. Writes about condition of his laundry which had been returned. Thanks them for offering to send money but he could manage OK. It was not unusual for the Air…

Letter number 18. Reports he had been on duty previous night and that he and the boys were OK and would probably go into town that evening. Leave was still on as planned. Comments on weather and that his bank account had been opened.

Letter number 17. Apologises for lack of letters but was on duty consecutive nights. Apart from being tired the boys are OK. Deals with letter which he has received and discusses income tax issue. Mentions trying to change his billet and move to…

Letter number sixteen. First letter from him as Pilot Officer J D Hudson and has moved into officers mess. Writes of celebrating with the boys previous night. Mentions daily routine in officers mess and describes new billet. Says the food was much…
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