Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents
Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents
Mentions what sort of day it is and wonders what he how he is passing his time. Catches upon news of visitors but says little other news. Continues with gossip on correspondence and news of family friends.
Spatial Coverage
Two page handwritten letter
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[inserted] 9 [/inserted]
[inserted] 6-1-41 [/inserted]
10 Moorside Rd.
Salford 7
Monday 25/11/40.
My dear Douglas.
This is a bright November day, just such a day as we used to ride out on, for a couple of hours before the sun-set. And do you remember those beautiful clouds, the like of which we had not seen before or since tho’ you probably learnt all about them in your very intensive training. I should be so pleased if I could know how you pass the time these days – if you have certain duties to perform or are you able to do as you please. I try to picture you but the pictures are very vague & very probably out of all proportion, tho’ I do hope not. Our visitors did not arrive yesterday, nor have we had any news of them. As you once said, tho’ under very different circumstances, “it’s all very casual.” I wouldn’t say that courtesy was, or is, a war-time attribute. Well love I’ve absolutely no news. I just keep on writing my little notes, just for remembrance & tho’ I don’t suppose you will receive
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all of them I hope they do get through to you fairly regularly. Dad had a letter from Mr Brazendale this morning. He seems to be having a very busy time, but that is not surprising. Auntie Sara & Marjorie & Co. have not moved yet. And that reminds me, your last little note from England, written on a telegraph form, with enclosures, arrived safely & I duly sent on the tandem spoils to 4 Oak Rd. & had a very kind letter from Mrs Bowens. Have I told you before that Mary & John are thinking of getting married if John has to go away? I don’t know what Auntie Gladys will have to say about it, tho’ it won’t matter a great deal. Mary will please herself, as usual, no doubt. We had a nice letter from [indecipherable name] who is now happily settled at the Bank. He is a very busy young man, with music lessons, Sunday School work, etc. & seems a great deal better in health again. Now love it is goodnight once more. With all our love. Mother & Dad.
755052 J. D. Hudson (Sgt. Chef.)
Camp De Sejours Suirfeille
S/courert Commandant D’armes
[inserted] 6-1-41 [/inserted]
10 Moorside Rd.
Salford 7
Monday 25/11/40.
My dear Douglas.
This is a bright November day, just such a day as we used to ride out on, for a couple of hours before the sun-set. And do you remember those beautiful clouds, the like of which we had not seen before or since tho’ you probably learnt all about them in your very intensive training. I should be so pleased if I could know how you pass the time these days – if you have certain duties to perform or are you able to do as you please. I try to picture you but the pictures are very vague & very probably out of all proportion, tho’ I do hope not. Our visitors did not arrive yesterday, nor have we had any news of them. As you once said, tho’ under very different circumstances, “it’s all very casual.” I wouldn’t say that courtesy was, or is, a war-time attribute. Well love I’ve absolutely no news. I just keep on writing my little notes, just for remembrance & tho’ I don’t suppose you will receive
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all of them I hope they do get through to you fairly regularly. Dad had a letter from Mr Brazendale this morning. He seems to be having a very busy time, but that is not surprising. Auntie Sara & Marjorie & Co. have not moved yet. And that reminds me, your last little note from England, written on a telegraph form, with enclosures, arrived safely & I duly sent on the tandem spoils to 4 Oak Rd. & had a very kind letter from Mrs Bowens. Have I told you before that Mary & John are thinking of getting married if John has to go away? I don’t know what Auntie Gladys will have to say about it, tho’ it won’t matter a great deal. Mary will please herself, as usual, no doubt. We had a nice letter from [indecipherable name] who is now happily settled at the Bank. He is a very busy young man, with music lessons, Sunday School work, etc. & seems a great deal better in health again. Now love it is goodnight once more. With all our love. Mother & Dad.
755052 J. D. Hudson (Sgt. Chef.)
Camp De Sejours Suirfeille
S/courert Commandant D’armes
P Hudson, “Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents ,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 9, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23065.
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