Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents



Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents


Notes it was a week since his first letter and had hoped for another. Catches up with news of friends and family and comments on weather. Passes on love from others. Explored sending letters by airmail but post office said it was not worth the cost. Mentions Christmas preparations and that their thought would be with him in North Africa. It would be a comfort if they knew he was well.




Temporal Coverage



Two page handwritten letter and envelope


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ and https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/legal.





[inserted] 4 [/inserted]
Prisoners of War Post
Kriegsgefangener Post
[two postmarks]
755052 J. D. Hudson (Sgt. Chef.)
Camp De Sejours Suirfeille
Scourert Commandant D’armes
Le Kef
Nord Afrique
[page break]
[two postmarks]
Mrs Hudson
10 Moorside Rd.
Salford 7
[VA27 stamp]
[inserted] 6-1-41 [/inserted]
[page break]
10 Moorside Road
Salford 7
Wed. Nov. 13th/40.
My dear Douglas.
It is just a week today since your first letter, dated Sept. 1st. arrived from Africa. I was hoping you might be able to write each week & was looking forward to having another letter today but no luck. So I must just go on looking forward to hearing from you very soon. This afternoon I had a letter from Hildred. She said she was going to write [inserted] to [/inserted] you & also she was coming to see me when we got some decent weather. I suppose she will mean at the weekend. It has been very pleasant here today – sunny & bright – but rather on the cold side. Of course we must expect it in November. Tomorrow will be Uncle Jim’s birthday. It will be a long time since he did not have a birthday letter from you. I think he will be 65 years old & seems to be very much better in health again. A letter from Auntie U and Calvert yesterday told that she was going
[page break]
to Edinburgh to stay with Mollie & Kenneth until Friday week. There is a lot of fuss about Newbould Juniors, expected about Jan 19th. I had a very kind letter from Auntie Lizzie of Dewsbury. She says she is thinking so much about you & asks me to send love to you from both.
I seem to be rather at a loss for something to tell you. I’m so afraid of saying the wrong thing & do want you to get the letters. They do just assure you that we are all right here. Did I tell you that we enquired about sending letters to you by Air Mail but the man in Enquiries Office at the G.P.O. said it really wasn’t worth the cost as the Air Mail only went to Lisbon & would save very little time. I was surprised today that I could get fruit for Xmas puddings etc. & felt that my luck was in for once when the grocer arrived. It will be a very strange Christmas this time with all our thoughts in far away Africa. If we can just have news that you are well it will be a great comfort. Now it is Goodnight once again with always the loving prayer God bless you & keep you safe. All love from Mother & Dad.
755052 J. D. Hudson. Camp De Sejour Suirfeille
S/courert Commandant D’armes



P Hudson, “Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 9, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23060.

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