Letter from Douglas Hudson to his parents



Letter from Douglas Hudson to his parents


Letter number 26. Writing letter on a warm afternoon. Thanks them for their letter and for sending suitcase. Discusses financial matters. Continues with other gossip and family news. Writes he was not on duty again that evening and that it was hottest day of year.




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Two page handwritten letter and envelope


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[postage stamp]
Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Hudson.
191. Halifax Road
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Letter [underlined] No 26. [/underlined]
Saturday. 5.30 pm.
My Dear Mother & Dad,
I am writing this letter out of doors on a very warm afternoon. It really is pleasant today & very warm & the blossom on the hedges is looking its best.
Thank you for your letter No. 25, I mean in reply to my 25 which came at lunch time today, & thank you also for preparing to send my suitcase along. If you have sent it passenger train & put my address on the form I shall receive notification to collect it from the station, so that should be O.K.
I received notification from the Bank again today giving another statement of my account & I have been credited with another month’s pay for March. I must have been dim before not to realise that this was due.
So far I have only smoked the Turkish No. 6. Cigarettes from the brown & chocolate packet
[page break]
so I cannot say which I prefer, but I will let you know when I have sampled the others, in time for the celebration.
Did Mother have her hair permed again or just reset? She said she was looking spick & span, but didn’t state what type of coiffeur had been effected.
I am continuing my letter on Sunday afternoon & hope to take it to town tonight to post so it should reach you in the morning. I am not on duty again tonight. It is another marvellous day, probably the hottest of the year. I & the boys are still all O.K. as is Rooster. Incidentally this is letter No. 26. While the working record is on I find it almost a disappointment not being on duty tonight. Maybe they think we need shut eye. All my love & best wishes. Douglas.



J D Hudson, “Letter from Douglas Hudson to his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 10, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23017.

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