Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents



Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents


Wonders if he is getting her letters and notes they have only had one from him so far. Catches up with news of family and activities. Reminisces about him starting school 18 years ago and not knowing what the future held. Wonders whether they would be able to send him Daily Mail newspaper as they advertise that they can deliver a weekly copy to any address in the world. Hopes he can still enjoy his cups of tea.




Temporal Coverage



Two page hndwritten letter and envvelope


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Prisoner of War Post.
Kriegsgefangener Post
755052 J. D. Hudson (Sgt. Chef.)
Camp De Sejour Suirfeille
S/courert Commandant D’armes
Nord Afrique.
[page break]
From Mrs Hudson
10 Moorside Rd.
Salford 7
[VA27 stamp]
[inserted] 6-1-41 [/inserted]
[page break]
10 Moorside Road
Salford 7
Wed. 20/11/40.
My dear Douglas.
I am wondering if you get my letters regularly as I have got back to the four letters a week routine. Not that there is much news, but it just assures you of our constant thoughts & wishes for you & your two companions. I have only got one letter from you to date, but just keep on hoping all the time, & always looking forward to happy days of peace & reunion. I had a very happy letter from Auntie Mand yesterday. She seems to be thoroughly enjoying her visit to Edinburgh & she & Mollie had had a real “beano” doing the shopping for prospective Newbould Junior. Auntie says she should return home on Friday but Mollie wants her to stay over the week-end & she has written home for permission (as if that was necessary) Pool Eileen will be having a busy time with the house keeping added to her regular duties. She has a long day, 8 am to 8 pm but the duties are not strenuous under normal conditions & she seems to enjoy the work. Well love I never seem to
[page break]
have much to tell you. As you know we are very subdued, quiet folk, & just go jogging along. I wonder If you will remember that it is eighteen years tomorrow, Nov. 21st. since you started your school career. Little did we dream of what the future held. Perhaps it is better so. Many of us would lack the courage to face it, if the prospect were fully revealed. Dad & I wondered if we could arrange for the “Daily Mail” to be sent to you. They advertise a scheme for delivery of a weekly copy to any address in the world, & when we hear from you again, that you have a permanent address, we will make enquiries & see if it can be sent to you, as you are an internee. Now the day is over once again so I will make a cup of cheer & say Goodnight to you. Do hope you are still able to enjoy your cups of tea. God bless you & keep you safe. Many times a day, when I look at your lovely photo, my earnest prayer goes forth to you. May you have a great faith & great courage to meet what ever life may have in store for you. All our love. Mother & Dad.
755052 Sgt. J. D. Hudson (Sgt. Chef.)
Camp de Sejour Suirfeille
S/courert Commandant D’armes
Le Kef.
Tunisie Nord Afrique.



P Hudson, “Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents ,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 23, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23063.

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