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  • Collection: Hudson, Douglas

Writes that he is enclosing a picture postcard of Laghouat to give them an idea of surrounds. Mentions new four man room which doubles as orderly room and working on camp newspaper. Catches up with mail received. Writes of weather being cooler and…

Writes that there has been a general absence of mail for all. Asks about acquaintance reported missing and comments on other news from home. Notes a temporary hold up in arrival of Red Cross food parcels. The previous delivery did not last long as…

Reports arrival of two letters and discusses content including some financial matters. Catches up on other news from home. Writes of going through his photographs of home and comments on some. Says there was no sign of cigarette or book parcels that…

Notes content of telegram he sent in reply to their last cable and also reports content of a telegram he sent that did not arrive. Discusses mail problems in general. Writes that they are experiencing the hottest weather of the year with sand too hot…

Notes it was his birthday and reports arrival of letters and latest cable with birthday greetings. Long discussion of mail he has sent and what had arrived with them. Notes Christmas card that had just arrived after six months in transit. Catches up…

Reports arrival of latest mail and comments on news from home. Writes that depression is difficult to shake off sometimes as everything in camp is organised with same routine day after day and nothing new. Writes of the weather at Laghouat. Hopes…

On the right a mosque with minaret. In the centre town buildings on the left trees. In the background mountains. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson and stating that this was the view from the top of a minaret.

Letter of thanks to families for food parcels etc, plus detailed description of Laghuoat prisoner of war camp and surrounding area. Mentions they were allowed out twice week to walk in the desert and obtaining a few items through a local agent.…

Apologises for not being able to visit and explains problems with getting permission. Looks forward to seeing him in [xxx] if not England after the war. Passes on news of others.

From Mary Clayton thanking Douglas for cable photographs and sending best wishes.

From M H Grundy mentions that he had seen Douglas's family and told them that he had received mail from Douglas and allowed them to read them. Continues with news of blitz on Manchester and his going to cinema as first visit since the bombing. Asks…

From Mildred H Grundy writes pleased to receive his letter and notes that it was a long time in transit. Writes of her activities including fire watching and her job. Writes of putting clocks back and having to go to bed earlier. mentions Queen's…

Relates how after tunnelling 187 feet to escape from internment camp in Algeria, 29 soldiers were recaptured. Tunnel took seven months dug in relays 24 hours a day. After escape Arab guards tracked them down and they were sent back to prison.

Cover for postcard booklet with drawing of man and a camel standing in front of palm trees.

Delighted to receive his letter of 1st September and noted that it was in order with no deletions. Her investigations showed there was no quick way to get news to prisoners of war and suspected he would not get this letter until after the new year.…

Is very happy to have a letter from him after long weeks of waiting to hear any news. Tries to picture him in his surroundings and wonders how much he would miss the green of England. Mentions being informed by the air ministry that he was interned…

Writes they are well and looking forward to another letter from him. States that mail took a long time and sorry they could not get in touch quickly. Wonders how seasons are with him and comments on weather. Catches up with news of friends, family…

Writes of their activities and is wondering what he is doing. Comments on weather. Notes Christmas in six weeks and sad they cannot get message to him before that. Mentions letters they have send and received from others. Catches up with news of…

Notes it was a week since his first letter and had hoped for another. Catches up with news of friends and family and comments on weather. Passes on love from others. Explored sending letters by airmail but post office said it was not worth the cost.…

Thinking of him and looking forward to another letter from him. Writes of communication from Red Cross with label for a personal parcel for him and discusses what they are allowed to send. Will wait to hear if he needs anything and is concerned of…

Wonders what he is doing and comments on days getting shorter. Is sorry that mail is not quicker and notes they have only had one letter from him so far. Glad he can make some English meals and get tea. Writes of home news, events and family and…

Wonders if he is getting her letters and notes they have only had one from him so far. Catches up with news of family and activities. Reminisces about him starting school 18 years ago and not knowing what the future held. Wonders whether they would…

Just letting him know they are jogging along and still only one letter from him. Looks back over letters he wrote when stationed in England since 1939. Catches up with news of family and is still investigating sending him a newspaper. Someone wants…

Mentions what sort of day it is and wonders what he how he is passing his time. Catches upon news of visitors but says little other news. Continues with gossip on correspondence and news of family friends.

Glad to receive his second letter, three weeks after the first. Thankful that he has agreeable company and kind treatment. Mentions current weather. Continues to describe activities. Postmaster general broadcast appeal to post early for Christmas.…
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