Lists of crew and positions with some extra notes. First operation as crew 6 May 1944. Night operations May and June. July targets included Kiel, Stuttgart, Hamburg. Mentions crews missing. Daylight operationd to Trossy St Maximin and provides some…
Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Pilot Officer Godfrey from 3 of February 1941 to 25 of September 1945 detailing training schedule, instructional duties and operations flown. Aircraft flown were Dominie, Proctor, Wellington, Hampden,…
Certified that Mr C R Godfrey is an annual member of Barnet branch overlaid with certificate for Bingley branch. Paid for 1947 and 1948. Includes a letter from the Wolverhampton branch informing of meeting times and locations and mentioning transfer…
Fragments of document Intelligence School 9 entitled ‘Warning against giving Information about your escape or how you evaded capture’ Gives rules about safeguarding information. Signed by F/O CR Godfrey 146099 635 Squadron. Dated 2 September…
Card Number Number DFE 6368 168. For Charles R Godfrey originally from Potters Bar. Shows several changes of address in Coreley Staffordshire and eventually St Ives in 1947 and 1948
Indicates that 146099 F/Lt Godfrey is entitled to wear the 1939/45 Star, Africa Star, France and Germany Star and the Defence Medal. Qualified for 1939/45 Star June 1944. Signed by Group Captain Royal Air Force Downham Market. Annotated '635…
On the left an man in Royal Air Force uniform with side hat and sergeant stripes. In the centre a woman in civilian dress, On the right a woman in uniform without cap. In the background a window in a brick building wall and climbing shrub.
A man wearing uniform tunic with brevet standing arm in arm with a woman wearing blouse and skirt. They are standing in front of a hedge. In the background a house.
Six airmen, five wearing shorts with long socks and one with long trousers standing in line in front of a corrugated iron building. All are wearing short sleeved shirts and side caps.
Two airmen sitting outside a tent. The one on the left is wearing shorts and the one on the right long trousers. Both are wearing short sleeved shirts. On the reverse captioned 'Eric and Percy'.
Six airmen standing in two groups of three in front of a corrugated iron building. Five airmen and wearing shorts and long socks and one is wearing long trousers. All are wearing short sleeved shirts and side caps.
Five men, three shirtless and one wearing topee in a sangar. Three have shovels and are digging and two are sitting watching. In the foreground sandbags. The other three sangar walls are stone. In the background two tents in open ground. On the…