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  • Collection: Wynn, Ian Archer

Writes that he has no news and is browned off. Mentions that time went quicker when he was operating and it will take a long time to complete his tour. Catches up with family news and mentions a Rolls Royce course which he has applied for.

He writes about him bombing Kiel the previous night and that he has applied for leave.

Writes about returning from his leave and that he misses her. Catches up with family news.

Catches up with family news. Writes of new flight and aircrew taking ground crew for a drink in Grimsby along with an amusing incident. Reminisces and thinks about after the war.

He writes about an operation to St Nazaire he was on the previous night and due to the weather 16 Lancaster’s had to land at RAF Pershore. He hopes his boys are feeling better and he wants to go to Skegness on his next day off. This was Ian…

He writes about how he is miserable and missing her. He has been on four operations to Nuremberg, Cologne, St Nazaire and Berlin since he returned from leave. Mentions he has not heard about his commission.

Ian writes about his operations to Berlin and Essen and that he hates the war. Mentions he has now done 17 operations. Catches up with family news.

He writes about needing some clean pyjamas. Mentions he has not been operating since he arrived at RAF Grimsby but in addition, he has not been able to get out. Catches up with family news.

He is worried about his son David. Catches up with other family news.

Writes about exams and that he probably could get a commission. Comments on the course he is doing and the quality of the food. Catches up with family and acquaintance news.

Diary commences on joining Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 3 October 1940 and training at Babbacombe, Newquay and passing out as an aircraft fitter. Posting to RAF Kenley 6 January 1942 and association with fighter pilots Bluey Truscott, Paddy…

Wishes her happy birthday and hope husband will be safely home.

Kathleen Wynn is surprised she has received no grant and lays out what she would expect with two children under 14 years old. Points out that it is unfair for someone who has a husband on active duties to be worse off than another with a husband…


Letter of sympathy that her husband is reported missing from operations.

Thanks her for her letter and includes details of other member of her husbands crew.

Thanks her for letter and states that Rose has contacted Red Cross office who have had no news. Writes about state of Chelmsford and catches up with family news. Mentions lack of sleep due to generally getting two sirens a night.

From Air Ministry casualty branch reporting that the Royal Air Force Missing Research and Inquiry Service in Holland had located husband's grave in Venlo. Goes on to describe graves of aircrew recovered from same crash. Mentions some facts about…

Thanks her for return of completed forms and notes she would like help with school fees. Suggests they would be happy to do this and request she reapplies later in year. Notes that son will be eligible for a £50 education grant from age eight and…

Gives notice that her husbands grave will be moved from Venlo to the British Military Cemetery at Jonkersbosch, Nijmegen. Gives details of new graves.

Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic and peaked cap. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Relates that Petts family lived in the bungalow during The Second World War. Mentions that two brothers of family were killed in action. Flight Sergeant John Russel Petts of 138 Squadron was killed on operations in Whitley V on 28 December 1941. His…

1. Title 'To lead wing at 21'. Relates to wartime history of Wing Commander Paddy Finucane. Handwritten note explains his death and that Ian Wynn was his engineer. 2. Title 'Brought Together'. Relates the meeting of Kathleen Harvey and Kathleen Wynn…

Full length portrait of man wearing shirt and shorts and long socks standing on a path with a cigarette in his right hand. In the background a wooden fence with bushes and a bench.

An airman wearing tunic sitting on steps in front of a door to a brick building. Caption 'Sergeant John Botterill Forge Hudson, 1457262, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve'. He was gunner in Ian Wynn's Lancaster.
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