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  • Collection: Madgett, Hedley Robert

Kentish times page with announcement of Distinguished Flying Medal.Notice parents living in Sidcup. Citation states carried out many successful sorties and noted on one operation that some crew lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen and on another…

Received official notice that Sergeant (now Pilot Officer) Hedley Robert Madgett had been awarded Distinguished Flying Medal now reported missing.

Notice of award of Distinguished Flying Medal at the same time as reported missing. Some details of citation for medal.

Madgett, Hedley Robert, Pilot Officer, DFM, reported missing on his 30th operational flight.

Account of action for which Hedley Madgett was awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal. Citation states many successful operations including one to Oberhausen when some crew lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen but he completed operation…

From Leslie Kant offering his and his wife's condolence. Writes that Hedley was one of the nicest and brightest of his staff. He had no idea he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal and had taken a commission. Writes he had received news that…

Letter to Director of Personnel Services. Reference letter to Madgetts on February 18 1944. Notes that they received a letter from Wing Commander 61 Squadron at Syerston that their son was missing after air operation on 17/18 August 1943. They also…

Acknowledges his son now presumed killed and has had no other news.

Thanking him for donating the land for the Runnymede Memorial where his sons name is inscribed.

Writes that Hedley's bicycle has still not arrived at Sidcup station.

To central depository Colnbrook thanking them for letter and list of son's personal effects.

From War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St John of Jerusalem. They have no further information about his son. However an official German report has been received reporting that two further members of his crew (Pilot…

From War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St John of Jerusalem. Writes that a body of a crew member of his son's aircraft (Pilot Officer Lewis) was recovered from shore and that this indicates that disaster to his aircraft…

From War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St John of Jerusalem. Acknowledges his letter of 17 December and assure him they will pass any news of their son or his crew without delay.

From Maureen Bowerman offering sympathy. Writes she has known Hedley for several years.

Letter of condolence over Hedley going missing so soon after award of Distinguished Flying Medal.

From Marjorie Eccles stateing that her brother Warrant Officer Lucien Eccles was killed on 15 July 1944 was a great friend of Hedley Madgett and had spoken of him often. She had learned from another friends relation that Hedley had been missing since…

From Minnie Flood expressing sympathy and hoping they will soon have more reassuring news.

From Mary Stewart expressing shock over news that Hedley was missing, especially after news of award of Distinguished Flying Medal.

Letter from relative of fellow crew member. Thanks them for kind letter and writes she has heard nothing since her boy was reported missing. Confirms she will write if she hears anything.

Writes that she has received official news of her sons death. He is buried along with Pilot Officer Bradley at Griefswald Weich, 16 mils west of Peenemunde. Asks if Madgetts are in touch with Bradley's family or if they have received any further…

Thanks them for letter and offering sympathy and hope for the future.

Writes thanking Mrs Madgett for letter and concern over condition of relation in hospital. Catches up with news and notes she is posted to Farnborough.

Writes of Sergeant Ernie Stewart who is in hospital seriously ill. Injured when his aircraft crashed on return from operations over Berlin. Ernie was the only survivor and was not found for three hours. Suffered a fractured spine. Mentions visits…

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Made out to S/Nurse A G Brooks of Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service, 14 days leave from 18 December 1918 to 12 January 1919.
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