Browse Items (13 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-04-14"

Reports of the awarding of the Distinguished Flying Cross and Distinguished Service Order to Mike's brother in law, Lieutenant R J Cork of the Fleet Air Arm and of his death whilst on active service.

Jim Hardy’s Royal Air Force Flying Log Book from 4th January 1944 until 31st January 1945. Posted to 311 Ferry Training Unit as a wireless operator. In February 1944 operational posting to 40 Squadron in Italy where he became Signals…

Catches up with news from home. Says he had a quiet Easter. Mentions hitch hiking into Oxford on day off and saw and American army show. Writes that he had now started flying but had to walk a mile and a quarter to the the flight. Discusses whether…

Enclosed with the letter is a postal order for 5/- for cigarettes for Reg. He asks for news about Reg.

The extract refers to Ernie Harris and his service as a flight engineer.

Top - reports arrival of five of her letters to him and mentions other mail. Mentions books he had read and was recommending to her.

Bottom - reports arrival of mail from friends and that he heard they had had a son. He says he will be glad to get…

Lists crews and aircraft for operations 14/15 April 1944. One crew member in each crew is underlined and ticked. Includes duty personnel and timings.

Three columns indicating three bomb loads but with the middle one crossed out. Shows tare, petrol, bomb and all up weights.
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