Three vertical aerial photographs of the airfield at Tholthorpe. The first is annotated 'Photo taken 28/5/43 before the photo on the wall in the Pub'. It is also captioned '14 TPC 28.5.43 //F 5" 6"- 1 mile Tholthorpe'.
A vertical aerial photograph of Dishforth. Hangars and dispersals can be clearly seen. The central grass area has been camouflaged but the grass runways can be identified. Several aircraft are visible.
It is captioned '11 TPC 28.5.43 //F5" 6"=1 mile…
Covers background, marriage, civilian occupation and family. Followed by service history including basic and flying training in England and the United States and then advanced flying training and operational conversion back home. Posted to 57…
Mentions training in Canada and qualified at navigator. List training on Wellington and one operational flight while at operational training unit at RAF North Luffenham December 1942 - March 1943. Continues to list training on Halifax and Lancaster…