Browse Items (17 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1943-05-15"

Pilots flying log book for Ernest 'Cappy' Olaf Lane covering the period 1 May 1943 to 28 January 1945 detailing his time with 460 Squadron and operations flown. Cappy flew 22 night time operations as pilot, all in a Lancaster. The targets were Essen,…

Recalls Harry's joining the RAF and describes his initial, then basic and advanced aircrew training. Follows move to operational training unit, and joining 102 Squadron flying Whitley. Mentions operations to Berlin, Stettin and Duisburg. Converted to…

Gives personal details. Notes awarded DFM (presented by the King) and Pathfinder badge. Lists postings to 78 and 35 Squadrons, mustering, promotions and qualifications.

Apologises for not writing but says he has to spend a lot time studying and had little to spare for letters. Commiserates over Norman being pushed around the country but needed to says that he would find there would be a lot of hanging around. Asked…

Writing weekly letter early as would be revising for exam later. Mentions that flying was still going well although last trip was bumpy and he suffered from air sickness. Now had 35 hours but no night flying yet. Comments on latest good war news.

A vertical aerial photograph showing several new breaches in the sea defences with areas of land in process of being flooded. Submitted with caption; “Sea wall broken at Flushing.” Fort Rammekens is at the top of the photograph, with village of…

A newspaper cutting with a head and shoulders image of Terry. It states he has won his wings and commission whilst in Canada. It is annotated 15/5/43.

Flying Officer A. Bonney’s Royal Canadian Air Force Flying Log Book for Aircrew other than Pilot, from 13th October 1942 to August 1944. Recording his training as an air gunner in Canada and England, two completed tours with 142 Squadron RAF based…

Vertical aerial photograph of Ramsey, Isle of Man. Queen’s Pier is in centre of photograph, with Sulby River and Ramsey Harbour to the right. On the reverse is handwritten 'B/A Allen Nav Beyak 15/5/43'.

Congratulations from all signed Mary

To Squadron Leader D W Donaldson at RAF Warboys. Congratulatory telegram to David Donaldson from his sister's family.
Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Offers many congratulations. '84' was not a squadron but the number of the flat where his aunts and uncles lived.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Congratulatory Telegram to David Donaldson from his Aunts and Uncles on the award of his DSO. '84' refers to the home address of DWD's Aunt and Uncles; 84 Oakwood Court, West Kensington, not a Squadron.

Additional information about this item has…

Congratulations from from Mary Wynne Williams (his wife's cousin).

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Letter congratulates him on award of Distinguished Service Order and catches up with family news.
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