Browse Items (421 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1943-10"

The letter expresses regret that, due to illness, he was unable to meet them. He complements Fred for being one of their best and most popular crew members.

Writes that she will be pleased to see him in two weeks. Catches up with news of school and illness. Says she went to the Lacarno with aunt and mentions that air raid warning and all clear have gone off.

The letter accompanies a gift and mentions friends from his village. Arthur wishes him well. It is captioned 'Letter written to me by Mr Turner, the Lay Preacher at the Little Chapel, Longwick, October 1943.'

Letter of condolence to Mrs Milling whose husband had been reported as missing during an operation over enemy territory.

Letter advising her that because of the length of time her husband has been missing he must now be presumed dead

Terry writes about his arrival at Dalcross. He is very impressed with the accommodation and food.

Terry writes to his parents about his journey to his posting at RAF Dalcross.

Writes that he is thrilled with his promotion and although he would have loved to come home, was sure she would be happy that he was staying in Canada. Says he is on leave and spending time with Canadian friends. Wished she could have been at…

Writes he was settling into his new life and that his new course would last 14 weeks and would include lecturing. Says he had a good time in New York before returning to Toronto. Spend the remainder of leave with Canadian friends. Currently billeted…

Mentions that her letters were probably being held up by censor. Writes he was enjoying the privileges of rank but was not too keen on his course. Sorry that he was not able to come home to see them all. Asks her to let him know if they want anything…

Peter Lamprey explains that they have not seen so much action this month, Stuttgart being their last target when they met no resistance. The squadron is under strength and the new crews are not yet settled in. He recalls social life and concludes…

Mentions that he has been commissioned and describes his current location. Catches up with news from home on his arrival back from Canada. Writes of leave and more family/friends gossip and of his activities. Asks how things are where Herbert was is…

He has escaped from the camp and is now with the British Army.

Writes that he did not have too bad a trip recently despite poor weather. Mentions that their new aircraft was quite good and now had new same nose art as previously. Catches up with news of friends/family. Mentions a friend who had gone missing on…

Number 70-127. Thanks her for letter and annoyed that his letters are not reaching her. Mentions financial issues list requirements to be sent, Mentions weather and state of camp. Wishes her merry Christmas.

Number 71-128. Discusses house purchase and that he will endorse any decisions she makes. Mentions financial issues, arrival of books and continuing study of violin.

Number 73-130. Writes that he has given her power of attorney and post office withdrawal form sent via Red Cross. Discusses financial issues. Mention that he received music and reports issues with his violin.

Hopes that he would be home in three weeks and that he had only another three subjects to go. Mentions going to airfield to run up a Blenheim's engines.

Written from 27 Squadron India. Writes of life in India, that he has had many letters from various people. Mention lack of social life and catches up with family news.

To central depository Colnbrook thanking them for letter and list of son's personal effects.

He writes of the social activities at RAF Cark, domestic arrangements and expected timelines for postings.

He writes of looking for accommodation in Manchester, his flying duties and social activity and the weather. He discusses an electric heater he has purchased and his bank balance.

He writes of moving into a new billet, his colleagues, the weather and the lack of flying due to the bad weather.

He writes from Farnworth and writes of his social activities and of a house for rent.

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He writes of their finances, moving to a new billet, flying duties and domestic details.
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