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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Zimbabwe--Manicaland Province"

Still at Brough and finished ground instruction and fly every day when weather permits. Writes about money mistake made by Post Office now rectified. Received letter from acquaintance asking him if he was OK. Passes on news from other letters. Writes…


Thanks her for letters and photographs. Writes they are taking wing exam next week. He had also been recommended for a commission and had passed his medical. Not confident he has done enough work but they do get another chance although this would…


Writes that there is not much to do in local area but this was just as well as they were very busy and had no spare cash anyway. Mentions pay only at end of month and dangers of mess bills. Writes that he will be going on to bombers, probably…

Writes that he is still doing operational training on the Hampden which he describes as safe. Mentions visiting Bicester which is closer that Oxford but has two picture houses. Writes of different terminology between English and Rhodesians. Mentions…

Writes that he is keeping well and thanks her for letter and news from home. Mentions friend who is on next course after him. Bad weather had delayed his leave and going on operations. Mentions plans for leave and that he would be pleased to get away…


Writes that he is now on an operational squadron and mentions leave after finishing operational training. Unfortunate that he had not been posted to a Rhodesian squadron but had asked to be transferred. Writes that he had only done one bombing…


Informs her they have forwarded letter to her son and gives his address at Dulag Luft.

Confirms that message was sent to her quoting a message from her son that said from senior British officer, Stalag Luft 3 on behalf of her son that there was no truth in any information of his death.

Quotes a cable from air ministry that Donald Baker was promoted to flight lieutenant with effect from 26 June 1942.


Confirms that their son, previously reported as having died was now reported to be in the best of health.

Expresses regret that his son Pilot Officer Donald Arthur Baker was missing as a result of air operations on 5 November 1941. Only information available was that he was captain of a Hampden which set out to bomb the enemy and failed to return. Does…

Letter from Air Ministry confirming information had been received from the International Red Cross that his son, Pilot Officer Donald Baker was a prisoner of war. They do not have information on which camp he was in.

Reports that son Pilot Officer D A Baker was missing as a result of air operations. Mentions he was captain of aircraft detailed to attack shipping but cause of failure to return was not known. Provides hopeful information for future, mentions that…

Informs him that they have heard from the red cross that his son was a prisoner of war.

Provides explanation for mistaken report that Donald had died. Source of mistake was a signal quoting Red Cross cable that he had died. When this was queried, Red Cross confirmed with German authorities that he was alive and well. Details subsequent…

Informs her that they have no news of her son's whereabouts. Asks for his details and suggests they write to Geneva or she send telegram.

Writes that he is OK and in camp and well treated. Says Red Cross do them well and asks her to send cigarettes. Mentions friend who is OK.

Christmas post card from Stalag Luft 1. Drawing of prisoner of war / Father Christmas on a Red Cross box.

Wishes him happy birthday and best for 1943 and catches up with family news. Writes of farming.

Writes that he saw a friend of Harry's while watching a soccer match in another compound. Had not met him before but could not have long chat [censor blacked out]. Mentions seeing other acquaintance.

Asks for suggestions of what he could get as a present for his parents in England, once he got out.

Speculates over future and says he was looking forward to getting to farm with Harry again and it was disappointing watching the years go by in a prisoner of war camp. Says he was still reading about agriculture.

Writes to let him know that all was going well and thanks him for letter and offer to take him on at the farm. Catches up with family news.

Writes that he is well and mentions activities and future ambition to farm and asks for her views.

Thanks her for letters and says life there continues the same. Mentions friend in camp and his studies. Mentions that it was getting chilly and expects severe winter.
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