Letter from Donald Baker to his mother



Letter from Donald Baker to his mother


Still at Brough and finished ground instruction and fly every day when weather permits. Writes about money mistake made by Post Office now rectified. Received letter from acquaintance asking him if he was OK. Passes on news from other letters. Writes that he has received newspapers regularly but cannot understand why her letters are delayed.




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Three page handwritten letter and envelope


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[three postage stamps]
Mrs. C. Baker,
S. Rhodesia.
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[Royal Air Force crest]
c/o Rhodesia House Etc
Sunday Mar 9th.
My Dearest Mother,
I am very sorry I did not write last week but there has been nothing of yours to reply to for nearly 3 weeks. We are still at Brough and having finished the ground instruction for here we fly whenever the weather permits which by the way isnt [sic] so often as I’d like. Up to the present Ive [sic] done only 25 hours in 8 weeks.
Do you remember that time I was hard up and cabled home for money. Well you cabled £11.10.0 but the post office at Paignton made a mistake and sent me only 10/- which at
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the time seemed rather strange but [deleted] as [/deleted] I couldn’t do anything about it. However they discovered it about 2 months later and have duly paid over the remaining £11 with much apology.
Had a letter from Mrs Bartons [sic] niece the other day. They stay at Wetherby which is about 60 miles from here. Mrs Barton had apparently given them my address to write to me to see if I was O.K. or something like that. As I suppose you know Mrs Barton must be some relation of Flt./Lieut. Nicholson the V.C pilot as he is the cousin of this girl who wrote to me.
Had a letter from Babs Tulloch recently. She said they were all well in their family but that Uncle Jim had a bad attack of the same trouble and had a an [sic] operation at last. Babs said
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he was progressing favourable when she saw him. Babs was just due for two weeks leave which she is going to spend hiking or something.
So Windy came to grief with his boss! I didn’t think he had it in him to tell the boss to go to hell. However what branch of the Air Force is he going in for.
Have received your newspapers regularly so really cant understand why the letters don’t come through regularly. However will you please send some more snaps etc of Charlton and the family if you can manage it. (Harry’s House)
Well dear mother there is no more news so will close now till next week. Very much love to you all from Your loving son Donald.



D A Baker, “Letter from Donald Baker to his mother,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 18, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/25574.

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