Browse Items (173 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Victoria"

Writes of his activities cycling and going to cinema. Asks him to look up terms of his insurance policy. Speculates on his future and writes about mail received. Mentions Australian prime minister in the news. Catches up with family news.

Writes of his activities and movements. Mentions he is glad they are in current location in the warm season as he imagined that the weather in Scotland would not be pleasant in winter. Comments on poor mail and catches up with family news. Poor…

Catches up with recent mail problems. Says he is very busy with little free time. Says he is tired due to much flying and irregular hours. Writes of other activities in local area in Scotland and about how the English regard beauty and of arguments…

Covers some of his activities and writes about his current station. Poor photocopy.

Reports on recent mail and arrival of food parcels. Catches up on news from home and mentions some of his recent activities including weather and the crew's new gunner.

Reports on recent mail and his leave, movements on posting to new station. Due to start flying again shortly although this might be delayed due to poor weather. Writes of new addition to crew, an English flight engineer. Notes that while there are a…

Reports on recent mail. Mentions Christmas and that he would soon be celebrating his first anniversary away from Australia. Mentions two day stand own over Christmas but 20 mile travel ban and his plans for the break. Continues with more news of mail…

Writes about recent mail and catches up with family and friends news. Comments on conditions at his location including recent snow and thaw and burst water pipes. Reports arrival of cake and going to other nearby station to see Australian newsreels.…

Mentions financial matters. Goes on to write of being without lights on base and of low temperatures when flying on recent trip. Tells of being congratulated and they would be away from their current location shortly. Mentions that they are enveloped…

Writes that he has settled down at new station and that they are now with an Australian squadron who are more easy going that the English. Comments on good conditions on new station. Mentions stating his accountancy course and that they are deep in…

Thanks him for cable and that he had just finished the last of his leave. Mention staying on base until the rest of his crew apart from one were buried at Harrogate. The other crew member's body was sent to Dorchester for a private funeral. Writes of…

Catches up with recent family news and mentions death of relative and a friend. Says he has no fear of death himself but tries to keep prepared as best he could. Writes of interrogation over his accident and relates eye witness account that only 40…


Catches up with mail and family news and says that life is monotonous. His new skipper is on a course but would be back soon. Reports arrival of cake and hamper and says not to send anymore and discusses mail. More family and friends news and notes…

Writes that he is on leave and they were having beautiful weather. Relates his journey on leave via Hull and Leeds and tells of his activities. Mentions a day in London and catches up with news of friend who had transferred to Mosquito and had many…

Writes of going to Bridlington for a long weekend but not being impressed. Comments on recent weather. Continues with description of some of his activities. Notes he had been on the squadron longer than most and would have finished his tour had not…

Writes about cutting his finger on barbed wire while walking back across country from a dance. Had to be stitched but still gave trouble. Says he is now crewless as the rest had volunteered together to go to Transport Command. Mentions asthma and…

Writes that thing were quite but he was doing lectures and cross countries and spending most of his time at Driffield. Continues with news of his and his crew's activities. Says he has seen some good ENSA plays. Makes some comments about the…

Writes about family and friends news, his activities, other people and gossip. Large portion of letter damaged by water stain.

Apologises for not writing and makes excuses. Notes that she will shortly go to Bendigo and be able to catch up on all the news. Comments on his location and the weather. Mentions that he has done some flying and his aircraft is the safest of the…


Addressing this letter to home as it would suffice as his letter home as well. Apologises as he is being distracted by other crew members in the hut. Comments on her exams and asks what he next appointment will be. Continues with gossip about friends…


Catches up with news and acknowledges receipt of £20. Mentions going to Leeds for dance and shows of which he was not impressed despite good reviews. Also acknowledges receipt of photographs and mentions Christmas greetings received. Continues with…

Gives excuses for poor correspondence. Mentions he has now been on squadron for a month and still likes it. Catches up with her recent news and activities. Sends late birthday greetings. Mentions he has just had leave after completing five trips in a…


Title '20535 Mechanician HMAS Australia, Leonard Symons, 5 Birdwood St, Frankston, Victoria.
Left - family photograph of adults and children with servicemen in navy uniform in the centre. Captioned 'Len and relatives on HMAS Australia on her…

Pilots flying log book for L E Penn, covering the period from 31 December 1942 to 26 September 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RCAF Dauphin, RCAF Pennfield Ridge, RCAF Yarmouth, RAF…

Royal Australian Air Force flying log book for Laurence Larmer covering the period from 7 April 1943 to 3 August 1945. Detailing flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAAF Benalla, RCAF Dauphin, RAF Fair Oaks, RAF Banff, RAF…
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