Browse Items (407 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Hampshire"

From officer at Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough. Thanks respondent for memorandum and goes on to discuss that operational efficiency of Bomber Command could be greatly enhanced by maintenance in good order of automatic pilot.

A letter written by George to his family. This is a farewell letter to his next of kin. He includes the addresses of four of his crew.

Says he is back and would be flying that night. Mentions visit to Bournemouth and seeing film. Writes about colleague waiting for demob. mentions his new second pilot from New Zealand.

Written from 27 Squadron India. Writes of life in India, that he has had many letters from various people. Mention lack of social life and catches up with family news.

Writes that he has tonsillitis but is getting treatment. Mentions war situation in Egypt and that he might be sent there for operations. Comments on training they were getting with lectures and shooting with various weapons. Catches up with…


Mentions he recently sent a telegram and it would not be long before he saw them as he had seven days leave coming. Asks for news of friends and asks about food shortages at home. Mentions items he had brought back. Explains what he is doing and his…

Thanks them for parcel and comments on contents. Includes addresses that he could remember and promised to send others later. Continues with family matters. Says he had no idea when he will move on.

Letter to Royal Aircraft Establishment thanking them for looking after them on their visit, which will be of great help in future plans.

From Royal Aircraft Establishment. Thanks him for enlargement of Limoges. Also thanks him for information about side-slip and add some experiences.. Mentions horizon and that they have received two Mustangs for marking. Would like to call at…

To Royal Aircraft Establishment stating that present scale of operation precludes visits for some time. Is returning memorandum that was lent.

To 54 Base Coningsby. Writes that he is enclosing results of Farnborough 'George' (automatic pilot) team to 617 Squadron. Has produced phenomenal improvement in all aircraft,

Writes of overpayment of uniform allowance and suggest paying back in instalments.

Deals with matter of overpayment of uniform allowance.

Reports on train journey to Catterick from Eastleigh. Writes about first impressions of army camp.

Writes that holiday in Oxford would not be a good idea and relates recent activities including a trip to Marlow. Catches up with acquaintances news and upcoming leave. Catches up with family news and motorcycling difficulty. mentions that all old…

Apologises for sending incorrect certificate and states that the correct one had been forwarded. In addition, explains they they were unable ascertain or confirm the more specialized duties on which he was employed. Suggests how he might obtain this…

Letter written to Mr B Luke at Air Service Training from Norman Powell's wartime skipper. Gives Powell's wartime service background and states he was one of the best flight engineers on the squadron. Recommends Powell for aircraft engineering…

Letter to David Donaldson from his maternal aunt, Dorothy Clark, congratulating him on his Distinguished Service Order and catching up with family news. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Wishes David the best for 1945. Catches up with family news and a relation who has been posted to England. Enquires as to whether Ken has started his fourth tour yet and comments that he is stretching his luck. Mentions he was very kind and helpful…

Birthday letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Nettie telling him of her coming lecture tour and wishing him 'good luck'. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Nettie at the end of the war. She encloses a gift (cheque) from her brother in Canada to David. Nettie describes how she and her sister (David's mother) are restablishing the home in Southampton after having…

Letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Nettie congratulating him on the Bar to his D.S.O and talking briefly about her publishing – royalties and printing shortages.

Aunt Dorothy wishes David a happy birthday and good luck. Catches up with family news.

Christmas letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Dorothy. She has not managed any presents this year and is bemoaning the fog and not being able to get to her sister's home in Southampton for Christmas Day. Additional information about this item…

Letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Dorothy congratulating him on his second Distinguished Service Order. She comments on news about David's brothers, Ian and Norman, who were both independently in Calcutta. Additional information about this item…
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