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  • Publisher is exactly "No 1 Officers Advanced Training School"

Covers accidents rates past/present, causes and percentage rates, prevention - approach to problem, interviewing new crews, improvements of flying discipline, engine handling, carelessness, general training, reporting of flying accidents followed by…

Covers introduction, sources of supply of officers and then , postings/general, postings - how notified, postings/overseas, posting of non-effective personnel, compassionate postings, postings under K.R. 332. Officers documents - list of documents,…

Missing page 1 and 2. Page 3 onwards covers repatriation and release abroad, compassionate release, action to ensure simultaneous release in class A, interview of personnel, replacement of releases, notification to dispersal centres, return of…

Covers introduction, definition, reporting of casualty, notification of next of kin, funerals, coroner's inquest, burial in the field and dispersal of effects. Followed by two appendixes, one with details of actions by effects officer. and the other…

Covers objects and organisation of N.A.A.F.I., the running of the institute, president and committee of the institute, sources of P.S.I income, expenditure of P.S.I funds, procedure for dealing with the N.A.A.F.I in regard to complaints and…

Covers policy, organisation, chain of control, administration, discipline, disciplinary powers and status of W.A.A.F. officers and N.C.O.s, saluting, promotion/officers, promotion/remustering and reclassification - airwomen and pay.

Covers introduction to air force law, arrest general, arrest - who can order, arrest of officer, open arrest - no escort, arrest of W.O. or N.C.O., arrest of aircraftsman, arrest of W.A.A.F. personnel, airman's possible loss of pay when in close…

Covers officers who may hear charges, officers punishable summarily, charges against officers, charges against W.O.s, charges against N.C.O.s and aircraftsmen, use of forms for hearing charges, orderly room procedures, civil offences committed by…

Covers duties of M.T. officer, establishments, servicing and maintenance, supply, repairs, lights on service transport, markings on vehicle, licensing of vehicle, types of run, authority of runs: driving licenses, co-ordination of M.T., records to be…
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