Part of Officers advanced school - allocation of manpower and other documents



Part of Officers advanced school - allocation of manpower and other documents


Missing page 1 and 2. Page 3 onwards covers repatriation and release abroad, compassionate release, action to ensure simultaneous release in class A, interview of personnel, replacement of releases, notification to dispersal centres, return of released personnel not sent to P.D.C. leave pay allowances, documentation, action at dispersal centre and treatment of deserters. Followed by questions, a list of amendments to Kings Regulations and index to all precis documents issued on the course.



Temporal Coverage




Nine typewritten documents and a folder cover

Conforms To


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[underlined] Page 3
Repatriation and Releases Abroad [/underlined] (A.P.3093 Chaps. IX and X)
13. Provision has been made for the repatriation at public expense of persons who were normally resident abroad and who came to this country to enlist in the Armed Forces. Similarly persons who are serving abroad may be released in the country in which they are serving.
(a) Once release is accepted, rights to free repatriation are forfeited
(b) Persons who wish to be repatriated or be released in the country in which they are serving must produce evidence of the agreement of the Government concerned.
(c) Those released abroad or repatriated will not be liable to recall.
[underlined] Compassionate Releases [/underlined] (A.P.3093 Ch. IV Sect. 2)
14. Applications should be submitted to C.Os who should forward them with recommendations to Group H.Q. Group H.Q. should consider if release for a definite period under the present regulations will satisfy the case of an airman or airwoman before forwarding the application for indefinite release to Air Ministry for decision. Commands overseas can authorise local release or repatriation pending release on compassionate grounds.
15. Compassionate releases are referred to as Class C and applications must be fully supported by independent corroborative evidence. A.P.3093 Para. 129 gives examples of possible grounds for class C release.
[underlined] Action to Ensure Simultaneous Release in Class A. [/underlined]
16. Air Ministry will promulgate advance groups three months ahead, and overseas commands should take immediate action to ensure that personnel due for release are available in the U.K. at the same time as their counterparts in home commands. (.A.M.O. A.503/45).
[underlined] Interview of Personnel [/underlined]
17. When a group is promulgated C.O.s must interview each individual to ascertain whether he wishes to be released and to complete the certificate in the Service and Release Book which states that the man has no complaint or other outstanding matter.
[underlined] Replacement of Releases [/underlined]
18. The Unit must then send a return of those who can be released without replacement and a return of those who require replacement to Group and Command Headquarters in the case of officers and airmen aircrew and to Records in the case of ground airmen and airwomen. (A.P. 3093. Paras. 208 – 213).
[underlined] Notification to Dispersal Centres [/underlined]
19. When an individual is free for release a special card is sent by the Unit to the P.D.C. nearest his home. The P.D.C. return part of the card showing the date on which the individual must report. If an individual is delayed, the P.D.C. must be informed by signal and the process started again by a second card. The individual must take second part of the card, showing the date he is to report, with him to the P.D.C.
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[underlined] Page 4.
Return of Released Personnel not sent to P.D.C. [/underlined]
20. To ensure that individuals are not held without good reason after their group has been promulgated units must send to Group H.Q. a fortnightly return of personnel whose release has been authorised but who have not yet gone to P.D.C. Retention of persons due for release can be authorised only by A.M. (A.P.3093 Para. 227)
[underlined] Leave, Pay, Allowances [/underlined]
21. All queries about leave, pay, etc., and travelling claims for the journey must be settled before the individual leaves his unit.
[underlined] Kit [/underlined]
22. Stations will forward the heavy kit of officers direct to their homes at public expense.
[underlined] Documentation [/underlined]
23. It is essential that the ordinary service documents of personnel should be available on the station complete and up to date. Most of the documents for release of an individual are bound into a Service and Release Book much of which must be carefully completed in Units before the man goes to P.D.C. Accounts forms are bound separately.
24. S and R. Books, accounts forms, service documents and a nominal roll in triplicate must be made up in packages and taken to the P.D.C. in the hand of the senior member of the party. Separate packages must be made for officers, airmen aircrew, ground airmen, and airwomen.
[underlined] Action at Dispersal Centre [/underlined]
25. The action at the P.D.C. is completed in a matter of hours, and may be summarised as follows:-
(a) Medical inspection
(b) First payment of pay and allowances for leave
(c) Complete S. and R. Books and return to individual
(d) Withdraw Forms 1250 R.
(e) Issue clothing, or cash and coupons in the case of W.A.A.F.
(f) Dispatch to home address
26. The part of the S. and R. Book remaining with the individual contains the forms for his return to civilian life.
(a) Authority for release
(b) Certificate of service (airmen and airwomen)
(c) Application for National Identity Card, and ration books
(d) Railway warrant
(e) Remobilisation instructions.
(f) Instructions for obtaining medical aid on leave.
[underlined] Treatment of Deserters [/underlined] (A.M.O. A.483/45)
27. Any man who is convicted of desertion after February, 1945, will forfeit all previous service for purposes of release.
Service may be restored by A.O.C. in C. :-
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[underlined] Page 5.
Treatment of Deserters (A.M.O. A.483/45) [/underlined]
27. (Contd.)
(a) On recommendation for an award or a mention in despatches or Kings commendation by an officer not below the rank of Wing Commander
(b) On promotion to Sergeant
(c) On completion of 18 months service without entry on Service conduct sheet
(d) On receipt of a Good Service Certificate under A.M.O. A.193/43.
Service may also be restored in exceptional cases with individual approval of Air Council.
28. It should be realised that there are other factors which discourage desertion. A man cannot get an identity card, ration book, or clothing coupons without going through the process of release; he would forfeit the benefits of normal release and he would find it almost impossible to get employment.
[underlined] Amendments to this Precis: [/underlined]
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1. Why should the scheme not be called demobilisation?
2. Why would it be unfair to include overseas service as a factor for release
3. What arguments are there for using age as a factor for release?
4. Is it true that married women automatically have absolute priority for release?
5. Would a man of 30 years, with 12 months service, be in the same group as a man of 26 years with 20 months service?
6. Is it certain that an officer air gunner will be released at the same time as an airman ACH/GD if they are in the same group?
7. How much extra leave will a man released in Class A with four months overseas service be granted?
8. What benefits will a man released in Class B receive for overseas service in excess of 6 months?
9. What authority is required to retain a man who wishes to be released and whose group has been promulgated?
10. Why must an individual state the period for which he wishes to postpone his release?
11. What cash allowance can an airman claim if he does not wish to accept the civilian clothing provided on release.
12. Could a man who has lived and served in U.K. all his life elect to be released in Australia?
13. Can you suggest why post war credits and gratuities will be paid into a Savings account.
14. What alternative should be considered before release in Class C is recommended.
15. Why must every individual be interviewed on the unit before the release process is started?
16. How does the P.D.C. know when a man is ready to leave the unit for release?
17. What is the authority for the movement of Class A personnel to the P.D.C.?
18. What release document must each individual carry when he goes to the P.D.C.?
19. What documents will the senior member of a party carry?
20. How do you get a civilian Identity Card in place of your F.1250 R.?
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[date stamp of No. 1 Officers Advanced Training School JUN 1945]
AMENDED UP TO AND [underlined] INCLUDING A.M.O. A.35/45.
K.R. to be annotated with the following A.M.Os.
(All “A” Series unless otherwise stated). [/underlined]
[list of K.R. and A.M.O. reference numbers]
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- 2 -
[list of K.R. and A.M.O. reference numbers]
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- 3 -
[list of K.R. and A.M.O reference numbers]
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[underlined] AMENDMENT LIST NO. 1
K.R. to be annotated with A.M.Os.
ADD the following: [/underlined]
[list of K.R. and A.M.O reference numbers]
2. [underlined] DELETE AND SUBSTITUTE [/underlined] as follows:-
[list of K.R. and A.M.O reference numbers]
3. [underlined] ERRATA [/underlined]
For “ 2232 1233/43”
READ “ 2233 1233/43”.
[page break]
[date stamp of No. 1 Officers Advanced Training School JUN 1945]
1. Signals
2. Command & Group Headquarters
3. Station Organisation
4. Squadron & Flight Organisation
6. Planned Flying
7. Welfare
8. Officers’ Messes
9. Sergeants’ Messes
10. Messing & Catering
11. A.M. & R.A.F. Commands
12. Accounts
13. Equipment
14. Mechanical Transport
15. Posting & Documentation – Airmen.
16. Careers of Tradesmen
17. Promotion of Officers
18. Airmen Aircrew
19. Service Correspondence
20. Casualty Procedure
21. Station Administration
22. Good Conduct Badges
23. Service Institutes
24. W.A.A.F. Administration
25. Arrest & Custody
26. Investigation of Charges
27. Powers of Punishment
28. Summaries of Evidence
29. Courts of Inquiry
30. Field Hygiene
31. Personnel Training
32. Discussion Groups
33. Flying Accidents
34. Posting & Documentation – Officers
35. Release Scheme
36. List of A.M.O’s effecting K.R.’s
37. Index.


“Part of Officers advanced school - allocation of manpower and other documents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 26, 2024,

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