Browse Items (214 total)

  • Language is exactly "fra"

A photograph of the crew of Halifax NA108 who successfully baled out over Montigny. There is French language text describing the men in the photograph, the location of the image at the police station at Donnemarie and two policemen. The text…

Declaration concerning the Italian government had accepted the conditions of an armistice.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Badoglio proclamation made to the Italian people, announcing government had successfully requested an armistice from General Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander. Italian forces to stop all hostilities against Anglo-American forces but can resist…

Dutch, German, Spanish and French phrases and words with English meanings.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A list of phrases in various languages to assist in escaping. These include French, Dutch, German and Spanish.

A document issued to airmen to assist in escaping and evasion. It includes phrases numbers and days of the week. There is a warning not to be produced in public.

Victoires de la RAF en 1943
Air Marshal Sir Richard Peck describes large composition and successes of RAF during 1943 whilst underlining the threat still posed by Germany.

Les machines
Maintains Anglo-American aircraft production is four times…

Polish language card with personal details.
This is a document which has been completed on behalf of the sister of Bronislaw Soltysiak, as she was looking for him. The Red Cross reunited many Polish Families after the war. This is a request for…


List of phrases in French, Dutch, German and Spanish. Not to be produced in public.

Describes how German army’s progression around Moscow is not as rapid or complete as indicated by propaganda from Berlin. They are meeting tenacious defence from Russia, preventing the German infantry from joining the Panzer Divisions. Suggests…

Article regards German claims of any victory over Moscow and the Russian army to be false. It points to a number of German spokespersons from Hitler himself to German press or radio making false reports of victory. Six examples of false claims are…

Maurice Anderson and Roy Hastie with their Hillman Minx in 1952, winners of the Concours de Confort.


French language programme with lists of drinks and menu. Artwork consisting of skulls and skeletons.

Left - b/w postcard with artwork of skull in candelabra. Captioned 'Cabaret du Néant - Paris-Montmartre L'ampac'aire funéraire'
Right - b/w postcard of people sitting on benches watching action on a small stage. Captioned 'Cabaret du Néant -…

Left - a b/w postcard of Amiens cathedral.
Right - a ticket for Folies-Bergere

Top - torn ticket to a 'Kirchenkonzert' in Detmold.
Middle - two tickets to the Detmolder Lichtspiele.
Bottom - ticket to Chambres Meubles 'Madame Suzy' Amiens.

Postcard showing view across ornamental pool of a three storey palace building. On the reverse '243 Versailles, Façade sur Parc (Midi), Front on the Park (Midi)'

Postcard showing a view across a square with cars and pedestrians of a large domed building with multiple arched doorways and columned windows. On the reverse '989 Paris - Place de l'Opéra'.

The letter seeks news from Ron and his friend, who hid at their house and recalls several people. It expresses affection to them both while hoping to hear from him.

The letter thanks Roland for his card and news, seeking more information about his life and news of John. They are all in good health and good wishes are sent from several people. He is updated on family members, acquaintances and work. Roland is…

A young girl standing in front of an aircraft engine. On the reverse 'Therese Del Sole devant le moteur d'avion env? 1945 a Notre Dame de Bliquetuit'.

Four photographs from an album.
#1 is Montreal viewed from a hillside.
#2 and 4 are general views from a hillside.
#3 is looking across the St Lawrence to Montreal with the Jacques Cartier bridge in the distance.

Four photographs from an album.
#1 Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral viewed from across the street with passing cars and a tram. The statue of Bishop Ignace Bourget is on the right.
#2 is a view across a small park to St George's Anglican…

Four photographs from an album.
#1 is of distant large buildings with a river in the foreground.
#2 is a river with a forest in the distance.
#3 is a view from Kondiaronk Belvedere over downtown Montreal. Several skyscrapers are visible including…
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