Browse Items (287 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Frances Grundy"

Birthday letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Nettie telling him of her coming lecture tour and wishing him 'good luck'. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Nettie at the end of the war. She encloses a gift (cheque) from her brother in Canada to David. Nettie describes how she and her sister (David's mother) are restablishing the home in Southampton after having…

Letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Nettie congratulating him on the Bar to his D.S.O and talking briefly about her publishing – royalties and printing shortages.

Aunt Dorothy wishes David a happy birthday and good luck. Catches up with family news.

Letter to David Donaldson from his maternal aunt, Dorothy Clark, congratulating him on his Distinguished Service Order and catching up with family news. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Christmas letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Dorothy. She has not managed any presents this year and is bemoaning the fog and not being able to get to her sister's home in Southampton for Christmas Day. Additional information about this item…

Letter to David Donaldson from his aunt Dorothy congratulating him on his second Distinguished Service Order. She comments on news about David's brothers, Ian and Norman, who were both independently in Calcutta. Additional information about this item…

Letter to David Donaldson from Hank Cooper written post war. Hank gives news of his activities, people and the departure of wartime colleagues. He writes of pet dog and going to London to see semi-finals of Royal Air Force individual squash…

Letter to David's younger brother Norman. Hank thanks him for the opportunity to see a copy of Norman's write up of David's Royal Air Force career and confirms that it is factually correct. Hank reviews his association with David and aspects of his…

Note to an unknown recipient from David Donaldson. Written from his home: 'The Elms'.

David Donaldson points out that no mention was made of the one Halifax that he flew that went on an operation with Lancasters over Berchtesgaden in April 1945.

Gordon Clark had been in hospital for some time and was about to return to flying when he suffered another accident and is regretting that he has to remain in hospital He catches up with mutual acquaintances and asks Donaldson if he can chase up an…

Letter from a homesick David Donaldson who is at prep school in Sussex to his mother. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Letter from David Donaldson whilst an undergraduate at Cambridge to his father writing about extra insurance and paperwork. He then continues about several health issues and its impact on his rowing. Additional information about this item was kindly…

Written from Charterhouse wishing his father a happy birthday and asking if his present is satisfactory. He continues with comments on weather and school. Asks permission to buy a scarf. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by…

Letter from David Donaldson to his two and a half year old daughter Frances written from Norfolk with drawings of pigs, dogs and cats. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.


Letter to David Donaldson from his mother who is in Lisbon with his father who is there on business. She sympathises with David who has measles. She is rather bored having to follow his father around. and writes of playing golf and fathers business…

Writes of activities and family

David Donaldson's mother writes of family and acquaintance affairs. Regrets the fact that fuel shortages in future will make trips out less likely.

Catches up with family news and mentions health issue. Congratulates him on squadron leader.

Writes of being settled in new accommodation and how she is managing. Catches up with new of family and acquaintances. Welcomes prospect of being a grandmother.

Catches up with family news, activities and her beliefs, giving him her thoughts on some spiritual matters prior to his confirmation and telling him confirmaton presents (books) she will give him.


Letter from his mother written just after war was declared.. She is sorry that war has interrupted his studies. She describes how it has affected her and the domestic staff she employs in her house. Catches up with family news. Additional information…

His mother writes catching up with family mail and expressing relief and pleasure that her granddaughter, Frances, has arrived safely. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Mother writes wishing him a 'good Xmas' . 's writing from Brambridge. David's mother, father, wife and daughter will go to Southampton for the Christmas break. It seems that David's father does occasionally stay in their Southampton home over…
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