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Front quarter view of a Lancaster with code PQ of 467 Squadron parked on dispersal with undercarriage wheel covers. Ladders and engine trestles by the wingtips.

Aircrew and ground crew gathered by the nose of a Lancaster with nose art of cartoon boxing kangaroo, the words 'Flak Ship' and one swastika symbol.

Four airmen lined up by a small wooden and corrugated iron shed with a small sign saying 'bombers arms'. Second man is holding a small practice bomb.

Six aircrew wearing Mae West standing and squatting under the nose of a Lancaster with nose art of squadron leader rank sleeve with hand giving thumbs up, 'Squadron Leader X' and letters 'X-PO' of 467 Squadron. Another Lancaster on dispersal in theā€¦

Four airmen wearing battledress with brevet standing by the rear fuselage of a Lancaster with squadron letters 'Q-PO' of 467 Squadron.

Seven aircrew wearing tunic with brevet including pilot. Four seated and three standing behind.

Five airmen wearing battledress standing by the nose of Lancaster R5868, with 96 operation symbols and letter 'S'. Another Lancaster is visible in the background.

Front view of Lincoln with MC bombs on trolley. An airman stands by trolley and a bicycle leans against port undercarriage.

Seven aircrew wearing flying kit, three squatting and four standing behind. In the background part of the rear fuselage of a Lancaster.

Front quarter view of a Lancaster parked on dispersal.

View of cockpit and nose of Lancaster. A men leans out of cockpit side window, Nose art of cartoon dog with signpost, and many rows of operation symbols.

Parked Lancaster with snow on ground in foreground. Two men stand together under starboard wingtip. Another two Lancasters in the distant background.

Seven aircrew, one wearing flying suit, the others wearing battledress, all with flying boots, standing under the starboard wing of a Lancaster.

Hampden parked on grass with a group of airmen standing under aircraft nose.

A RAF signals corporal standing with King George VI pinning a medal on him. In the background a parade of airmen

Seven aircrew round a table with a debriefing officer. One is a bomb aimer.

Seven aircrew sit round a table debriefing and airman with back to camera. Two aircrew have pilot brevet and one is an observer. There are cigarettes and mugs on the table.

Six airmen sit round a table with mugs, pen, matches, cigarettes and ashtray, debriefing.

Six airmen stand in line under the nose of a Lancaster facing a line of seven aircrew in flying gear walking towards them. A car and more Lancasters in the background.

Three groups of seven aircrew, all wearing battledress, standing in line in front of a Lancaster. Third man from left of right hand group is holding a dog in his arms.

Twelve airmen, some with visible brevet, seven standing and five squatting in front. In the background the port inner engine and part of fuselage of a Lancaster. Nose art of female figure and bomb. Includes second image, close up of front row.

Seven aircrew all wearing Mae West by the rear fuselage door of a Lancaster. Two are sitting in the doorway, the others standing or squatting outside.

Target photograph showing canal running top to bottom with open countryside each side. Explosion in the centre. Captioned '7438 WAD/1/2.4.45//NT 7"9750 128 1914 GRAVENHORST.D'. Two versions of image.

Seven aircrew all wearing battledress with brevet stand in line behind four airmen squatting in front. In the background part of the fuselage of a bomber aircraft.

Five aircrew wearing flying suits and holding flying helmets standing in front of a Vulcan.
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