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Brevet badge, cloth, gold leaves, cream wing and text, blue background.

Cream letters and wing, gold leaves on a blue background.

White thread, red highlights and black text 'Dieu et mon droit'. Black background.

Aerial vertical photograph of dock area. On the left a canal running vertically from top to bottom. At the bottom an inlet dock runs towards the centre. On the left side of the inlet six tanks and two small ships moored on jetties. Above the inlet…

Aerial vertical photograph of canal and dock basin. A canal runs from top right to centre left. At the left end is a basin runing from the canal towards the bottom right. To the right of the basin is an industrial area. Below the industrial area…

Aerial vertical photograph of open countryside with an airfield marked out on the left side. A perimeter track runs from middle left around the airfield ending at bottom left. There is a loop taxiways from the top right of perimeter track leading to…

Aerial vertical photograph showing railway running from left to right with a large marshalling yard in the centre. A small river wanders along the bottom of the railway from left to right. Above the marshalling yard are long buildings with possible…

Aerial vertical photograph of an airfield. Airfield fills left hand side with runway 13/31 running from bottom to top and a perimeter track running all the way round. The is a square section of buildings off the top left of the airfield and a series…

Aerial vertical photograph showing an airfield. Airfield fills left two thirds with runway running vertically up. Runway 31 is at the bottom with a square area of buildings just outside the perimeter track to the right. There is are complex of…

Aerial vertical photograph of a town with marshalling yard. A river/canal runs from halfway up on the left to bottom right. A railway line runs from top left into a large marshalling yard in the centre right which contains a large amount of rolling…

Aerial vertical photograph showing a large marshalling yard filled with rolling stock in a town. A canal/river runs up the left hand side with marshalling yard to the right. The main part of the town is to the right of the railway. A long line of…

Aerial vertical photograph of a town with dock basin. The river Maas runs down the left side. A canal runs from the river on left to the centre where it turns left into a doack basin surrounded by a town. A narrow canal leads from the top right…

Aerial inclined photograph showing docks surrounded by town. To the left open sea with beach at the top. In the centre three interconnected dock basins, the bottom left one with a divider, surrounded by dockyard buildings and installations. A series…

Aerial vertical photograph of docks. To the bottom left open sea. In the centre two interconnected dock basins the bottom one is divided into three by cross piers. There is a further basin above and to the left. All basins are surrounded by dockyard…

Aerial vertical photograph showing open countryside. A road runs from left diagonally slightly up to the right side middle. There is a junction half way along where another road leads off upward to the top. Bomb explosions are visible. Captioned…

Aerial vertical photograph of a canal and town. A canal meanders from mid left to right. There is a road bridge on the left side leading to an industrial area and town below the canal. A railway runs from just above the canal on the left to top…

Aerial vertical photograph of coastline with town and docks. Coastline runs from mid left to right with a broad peninsular in the centre on which is a large town with docks. There are five jetties/piers running out into the sea. There is a Ventura…

Aerial vertical photograph of docks. Along the top four moles below which an interconnected water way. Below is land with a narrow water passage slanting down towards the centre bottom. The moles and land have various scattered dockyard…

Aerial vertical photograph of docks. Three moles extend from the bottom to just over half way up. The right hand mole is covered with dockyard installations, the other two are mostly bare. Bomb impacts are visible in the water between the right hand…

Aerial vertical photograph of interconnected dock basins. At the bottom centre an inlet slanting left. To its left a canal. To its right a spit of land with a narrow waterway leading to a large basin. To the right of the waterway a beach with…

On the left an aerial vertical photograph of town, canal and docks. A canal zigzags from top left down, right and the left back towards dockyard in the bottom left. A town with dwellings and industrial areas lies mostly to the right of canal. The…

On the left an aerial vertical photograph of canals and locks. Multiple canal channels go from top left to bottom centre which are at the North Sea end of the Noordzeekanaal at Ijmuiden. There are various lock gates on each canal. There is a possible…

Aerial vertical photograph of town with canals and marshalling yard. A river/canal runs from mid left slanting down initially and then right across to the right hand side. In the middle another canal splits off upwards then goes right to middle right…

Aerial vertical photograph of a marshalling yard running from left slanting down to the right. The yard has a large number of goods wagons and locomotives spread throughout. To the top right is open countryside. There are bomb explosions at the…

Aerial vertical photograph of a coastal port. Coastline runs from top right to bottom left with open sea to the right. One quarter way up from left there is an inlet with breakwaters which leads into inland dock basins surrounded by a town. There are…
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