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  • Tags: home front

German propaganda news from Berlin. The lead article refers to the plot to assassinate Hitler. Home news in brief is a collection of negative stories about Britain.

A woman standing at the entrance of an Anderson shelter.

Contains notes about work, cadets and Local Defence Volunteers, the weather and films seen.

Wilhelmine K's account of the events at Hohenzollernstraße 58.

Wilhelm Galenbeck and Karl Bunge's account of the events at Obere Karlsstraße 18, Karlsplatz 2 (Youth Welfare Offices and print shop).

Wilhelm Carl's account of the events at Wildemannsgasse 32.

Heinz Wiegel's account of the events at Luisenstraße 9 and Große Rosenstraße 21.

Mr Karl L Wickenrode's account of the events at Frankfurter Straße, Weinbergbunker, Marstall and Kaufunger Straße.

Propaganda leaflet by British fascist John Amery aimed at the British population and arguing that the sacrifices of the Allies have served only the interests of 'Stalin and the Jews'.

Ted Neale's account of when he was 18 at the Woolwich Arsenal. He tells of a bombing attack at the factory, which started just as they were leaving at 5pm.

Account of return from an operation to Westkapelle when they flew over authors father's farm and local village where they threw out window.

Herbert Backe will need to increase rationing: more countries to look after; limited cereals from Balkans and none from Ukraine; fewer pork and potato supplies. Claims government will feed population with turnips, as under Wilhelm II.


Covers shipping and imports


Page 1. Assistance Board making advanced payment to cover immediate needs only of £2 for clothing and £5 for furniture on 15 August 1941. Advice if further help required. Annotated at the bottom '1st advance £6 clothing 27 December 1940, 2nd…

War Damage Act 1943 (Part 1). Issued after European war was over and covers answers to questions on when people will be paid, increases in compensation and payment of interest.


States that the government has decided to pay all deferred private chattels as soon as possible in next financial year to include the amount claimed, interest and a supplementary payment where applicable. Goes on to provide details. Payment aimed at…

Photograph 1 is of non-commissioned officers supervising children at a Christmas Party, captioned 'Christmas Party for the children of Vitroy [sic] en Artois and surrounding villages, in the village hall, Vitroy [sic] en Artois, given by R.A.F. 137…

Notes that children had shared hardship and should be proud of their effort. Signed 'George RI'. On the reverse 'Important War dates' with table of dates fro 1939-1945.

Entries detailing daily activity including shift work at AV Roe, friends, entertainment, health, weather and family news. Mentions letters from Ken, and his arrival back in October.

View over Trafalgar Square from upper-storey height full of people celebrating the end of the war in Europe. On the reverse 'VE Day Trafalgar Square 1945'


Made out for Mrs S Green on 27 April 1946 and contains 30 utility furniture unit stamps. Instructions for use on the reverse.


Bill Wray in civilian clothing, Sid Kaufman in uniform and John Wray in school uniform standing in garden.
Captioned 'Bill Wray, John Wray, Sid Kaufman in garden of 67 Lincoln Road, Branston.'

Six figures in various poses (marching, standing, playing the bugle) depicting foot soldiers from different periods.

These toys were originally part of a larger set used by Alberto Dini to pass the time while inside a shelter in Trieste. …

Propaganda booklet about total war containing photographs quotes and text about bombing.

Tom Wharmby was born at Walkden, North Manchester. Mentions hobbies, schooling at St Johns School, Bolton Commercial and Worsley Technical School, his wedding and an accounting job at Cooper and Cooper. Details his military career with the Home Guard…
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