A street scene with commercial terraced buildings on each side. The building on the left shows the words ‘STOUT’ and ‘COWLINGS’ on the first two sections but further wording is illegible. There are a number of cars, a truck and a bicycle on…
Two aerial photographs.
The first is a target photograph taken at high level. Bombs are visible falling to centre left. A railway is seen running left to right in the bottom half, with marshalling yard in the centre. Below the railway is a river…
Top left an aerial vertical photograph of waterway junction with bridge. Canal or river runs from top left down towards bottom right. Splits into two branches towards the bottom. Right branch has road bridge crossing to the land between the two…
Top left a horse drawn cart with a woman and children aboard stands by a roadside. A man stands to the right of the rear wheel. In the background trees.
Top right an airman kneeling stroking a baby goat with his right hand and smoking a cigarette.…
Vertical aerial photograph of unnamed location. The image is largely clear, only a few lines of tracer are visible with street patterns and buildings clearly visible. At the bottom it is captioned ‘A B (x7) 12 NT. 29/30/4/42 F/8” [arrow]…
On the left a crane which is lifting a DH.82B Queen Bee remotely piloted aircraft. Men are holding guide ropes attached to tail and wings. Other men are standing by a launch cradle on a long lattice work launch track. In the foreground a man looks…
Left, a man in formal dress with top hat on the right is along side a woman with dark coat and hat walking down a street. Another woman with coat and hat is slightly in front on the left and is glancing to the right. Behind left buildings.
Top, two women in coat and dresses, one holding a cat are flanked by two men wearing jacket and tie. They are standing in front of a car with a dog on its roof. In the background a building with windows.
Bottom, three men wearing jacket and tie…
Top left, five geese in a field.
Top centre a dog sitting on a grass lawn with car in the background. Top right, a single story building in the distance with a car in front. Middle left, close up of five geese.
Middle centre, a dog standing on a…
Top left, a man in shirt and shorts sitting on the left on a beach alongside to the right a woman in dress.
Top centre, an man in shirt sleeves sitting on a beach.
Top right, five pilots standing in a row in front of a lorry. All are wearing…
Top left, head and shoulders image of a woman with trees in the background.
Top centre, two horse looking out of individual stables.
Top right, head and shoulders image of a man wearing jacket and tie.
Upper middle, composite panoramic view…
Top left, a DH.82B Queen Bee aircraft on the left in front of a hangar. A man is standing under the starboard wing. To the right a crane.
Top centre a DH.82B Queen Bee aircraft being loaded onto a launching track. A man is holding guide line and…
Top left, a baby sitting on a checked rug in a garden,
Top centre, a woman lying back on a lawn with a baby on her lap and a dog on the right. In the background bushes.
Top right, a woman wearing a dark boiler suit standing in front of a double…
Top left - a dockyard taken from a ship with several ships visible. In the background are houses and hills. Top right - group of military men leaning over the side of a ship. On the dockside are buildings and a large yard. In the distance on a low…
Five Royal Air Force and two naval personnel standing in line. All are wearing tunic with side or peaked caps. In the background a large multi-storey building.
A large number of Royal Air Force personnel, officers in front rank, on parade in square surrounded by palm trees and buildings behind colonnades. Behind the servicemen are civilian spectators. Two officers in the front row have pilot's brevets.