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  • Tags: nose art

The nose of a Halifax with 70 operations marked and a painting marked 'Upur'.

A pilot and an engineer standing at the front of a Halifax. On the nose is painted a hand with its index finger raised pointing at the sky.

Two airmen standing at the front of a Lancaster. One man is leaning on the propeller, the second has a hand-drill in his hand. On the nose of the Lancaster is painted a flying duck, 'Our Mary II' and 45 operation bombs.

Lancaster Mk 2 'Z' being refuelled. A ground crew airman is up a ladder partly obscuring the nose art, a cartoon of a running skeleton with 'Zombie'. It is annotated 'PL29074'.

A pilot sitting in the cockpit of a Lancaster. Underneath, painted on its nose is a cartoon of a stork holding a baby in goggles dropping a bomb. Also five bombs indicating five operations.

A pilot in the cockpit of a Lancaster with 'Vagabond 2nd', seven bombs and a maple leaf painted on the nose.

A Lancaster Mk 2, DS708, 'Q' under maintenance. One man is working on an engine and a second is painting an operation mark on the nose. There is a playing card, Queen of Hearts, painted on the nose.

A squadron leader with a DFC ribbon. He is sitting in the cockpit. Underneath is a cartoon of an elf or gremlin.

Two sets of three airmen on ladders and one airman in the cockpit of a Lancaster 'G'. The nose has a 408 squadron badge, a maple leaf and 'Miss Kingsville'.

Three airmen at the nose of a Lancaster 'M' with 'Berlin Special' and maple leaves on the nose. One airman has an air gunner brevet. They are holding hands.

An airman leaning out of a Lancaster cockpit. There is nose art of a flying woman and 'Countess' painted, along with three bombs.

Two airmen are sitting on top of a Lancaster cockpit. Underneath is nose art featuring a round saw blade with wings cutting and producing sparks.
12 bombs are painted on.
There is a second image with 'PL28042'.

An airman wearing glasses sitting in the cockpit of a Lancaster. Underneath is a cartoon of Donald Duck with a horn. There are also 11 maple leaves with a letter.

Three ground crew are sitting on the nose of a Halifax. Painted on is 'The A Train' and a cartoon tiger in front of a maple leaf. 13 operations are marked with painted bombs.

14 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Halifax. On the nose of the Halifax is a cartoon with the name 'X Terminator'. 49 operations are marked.

Ten airmen in two rows in front of a Halifax. The front row is holding a flag made from ladies bloomers. The Halifax has 45 operations marked on, a woman and 'She too knows how!'

14 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Halifax. On the nose is a X Terminator cartoon and crosses for 49 operations.

Seven aircrew stand inline wearing a variety of flying kit or battledress. In the background the nose and port inner engine if a Halifax. The naked lady nose art has been erased but 'Eve' remains. Four rows of bomb symbols on lower nose and letter…

Nose of a Halifax with figure of a lady 'Eve' below and behind four rows of bomb symbols.

Three aircrew sitting on the nose of a Halifax in front of the cockpit. The man on the left has o a May West and the man in the middle wears battledress. Underneath on the fuselage nose art of a the figure of a naked lady. In the background trees.

The nose of an Avro Lincoln 'M' with an airman leaning out of the cockpit.

A port/front side view of a Halifax at RAF East Moor.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Example of nose art, left-hand side cockpit, Captioned 'LJ542 G'. This was a 199 Squadron Stirling EX-G.

Five airmen arranged at the front of their Lancaster 'D'. The nose art features a cartoon figure holding a bomb. The text is partly indecipherable but the second word is 'Special'.
On the reverse is
'L to R
Jerrie ----
Bob ---- Killed on Ops…

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Lancaster with engines running on the ground. Other aircraft are visible in the background.
Photo 2 is a group of 17 flight engineers arranged in three rows. Each individual is identified in the caption.
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