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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Writes hoping that Joan heard her husband, Squadron Leader Bob Wareing’s message on 6/20/44. He conveys the message as best he remembers it saying that Bob feels much better now and is sorry about the leave and asks for Joan to write to him at his…

The story of how aircrew were supplied with clothing and material to help them escape and evade capture. It is written by the major that designed the items.

Head and shoulders portrait side view of man wearing battledress with pilot's brevet. Service number '658 316' on board hung on shoulder. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Gives personal details of Flight Sergeant Henry Bartlett as prisoner of war. Shot down 12 August 1943 near Messina. Admitted to Dulag Luft transit camp on 22 August 1943. Left camp for Stalag IVB on 30 August 1943. Includes English transcript.

For Stalag IV B with name Henry Bartlett, British, student.

Head and shoulders portrait of Henry Bartlett with number '222482-IVB'

Head and shoulder prisoner of war identification photograph of a Royal Air Force pilot, head shaved, looking straight at the camera. A blackboard on a wooden beam reads “222482/IVB, Bartlelt [Bartlett] Henry and “22465”, arranged vertically on…

The identity card has three photographs of Jim, his squadron details and his crew.

The letter expresses pleasure at the news that John will be soon home.

Describes how his aircraft was shot down on an operation to Revigny by an Me 110 night fighter. He baled out. and was captured. After being interrogated he became a prisoner of war. In February 1944, as the Russians advanced, he and his fellow…

Suggest that she does not send officers uniform to him direct but should write to the international Red Cross committee to get a definite ruling.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 219-1.jpg
A D Moyle and D V G Buchanan (England) state that received 500 lire. Includes the address of Winton K Sexton.

War Prisoners Aid based at the World's Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations, Geneva. The letter suggests ways to use the log.

Writes that he is due to leave current camp along with eleven officers to go to Stalag Luft 3. Asks for photographs of son David and he would have changed from the baby ones he has. Says he would be pleased to get cigarettes and asks what she thinks…

Burckhard Kuck (b. 1925) tells the story of a 63-year-old mirror, a present from his fellow inmates when he was detained in a prisoner of war camp in England. He tells how the object reminds him of the lack of mirrors in the camp and of the fact that…

Sergeant A Yates's observer brevet and his identity tag when at Stalag VIIIB, number 27042

Two standing men, one dressed as a pirate, the second, a sergeant is an observer in the Royal Air Force. Behind is a fence and a watch tower.

The three men are standing in front of a hut. Two are dressed as cowboys and the third is wearing civilian clothing and flying boots. A fourth person is partly visible, seated and working on clothing.

Four men dressed as a cowboys, one man dressed as a cowgirl, all armed, one with a blunderbuss. They are standing in front of a hut.

Two men, one dressed as a cowboy, the second as a cowgirl. They are standing in front of a hut.

Three quarters portrait of three men dressed as cowboys, standing in front of a hut.

A group of 19 men which includes eight cowboys, one cowgirl, one pantomime cow, two airmen and the remainder dressed in civilian clothes. The front row is kneeling with the cowgirl seated on an airman's knee. The back row is standing. Behind is a…

A band of nine men formally dressed on stage. In the front row are two saxophone players, a guitarist and a pianist. The back row of five musicians are playing trumpets, drums and upright bass. Covered music stands are in front of each player and the…

Two pirates and one one man dressed as a lady act in front of the nine man band. Partly visible is the conductor of the band.

Four men dressed as cowboys, They have their pistols and one blunderbuss pointed at the camera. They are standing in front of a hut.
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