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Air-to-air view of a Lancaster with bombs falling below. Another aircraft above to the left and another bottom right.

In both photographs a pile of aircraft wreckage lying in the middle of an open field. To its left a notice on a pole. In the background a forest. On the reverse of the first photograph '2-11-44 Lancaster B DV396, Ops Dusseldorf crash site at La Reid,…

Part of the fuselage of a Lancaster lying in a field. On the reverse '2-11-44, Lancaster B DV396, Operation Dusseldorf, crash site at La Reid, Belgium'.

Aircraft wreckage in the edge of a woods. Behind is a field and a road with a vehicle. In the background wooded hills. On the reverse '2-11-44, Lancaster B DV396, Ops Dusseldorf crash site at La Reid, Belgium'.

Official document detailing crash of Lancaster ED945 near Boxtel in the Netherlands on 17 June 1943. Details crew including F/O Dexter. On the reverse, details of crew's parents and stating grave number.

Four photographs of an axe recovered from Alec Pyle's Lancaster after the crash in 21 July 1944.
Photo 1 and 2 are both sides of the axe.
Photo 3 has a label with a comment 'Emergency Axe recovered from the crash of Lancaster LM595 on July 21st…

Side view of a chocked Lancaster with its engines running. Underneath is an airman and a trolley accumulator. The hatch at the rear is open with a ladder visible.

Two photographs of Lancaster "F" for Fox before and after the 35 Squadron tour of the USA.

Two rows of Lancaster front fuselages in a factory with overhead lighting and skylights. Bdhind other aircraft parts. Captioned 'Lancaster production at A V Roe & Co Chadderton 150 per month, by courtesy of V Roe & Co Ltd. On the reverse 'A famous…


Front cover of A V Roe's flight engineers notes for a Lancaster aircraft. Published March 1944.

Lancaster flight engineer's panel; green padded seats are visible.

An underside view of a Lancaster flying overhead.


The nose of a Lancaster with an airman working on the nose art. He is at the top of a stepladder. The art is of a man wearing a grass skirt, boots and a crown. Over his right shoulder he has an Australian flag and in his left hand he has a string of…

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 has seven Lancasters in loose formation.
Photo 2 has three Lancasters in loose formation over a town.


Photograph 1 is 12 Lancasters in formation. It is captioned 'The Squadron en-route from Graveley to St Mawgan. 8th July 1947'.
Photograph 2 is five airmen standing at the rear door of their Lancaster. It is captioned '(we pose in front of aircraft…

An air-to-air side view of a Lancaster, annotated 'Formation Flying'.


Side view of Lancaster W4783 'AR-G' with numerous operations marked on its nose. Another Lancaster can also be seen.

The nose of a Lancaster, starboard side. On the reverse 'Oxford press at [undecipherable] G George Dorricott'.


A Vulcan flying over the Lancaster gate guard at the entrance of RAF Scampton with trees behind. Tallboy and Grand Slam bombs are also visible beneath the Lancaster. To the right the gate posts, people and a bus. On the reverse 'Lancaster at Scampton…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a Lancaster going down in flames, captioned 'Photo taken by Chappie of kite going down in flames over Osterfield (Rhur) probably Mac's ht 18,000' '
Photo 2 is Terry, crew and a WAAF outside a Nissen…

The cockpit of a Lancaster showing bomb tally. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Hk555 Mission tally. Poor picture from a bit of scrounged negative'.

Lancaster on dispersal with chocs and engine covers. An airman is standing on the Starboard wing. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'HK555 KO-E at dispersal. Jock did first half of his second tour in this Lanc as mid-under gunner in…

Air Ministry Form 78 with details of Lancaster ND471

Air-to-air view of a distant Lancaster flying top the right over hilly open countryside.


Rear quarter view of starboard side of Lancaster parked in a field. In the foreground a road, a wooden fence and a tree on the right. In the background a hedge and trees. On the reverse '50 Sqd Skellingthorpe, R5546 Lost 31-3-44, after repair,…
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