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  • Tags: Lancaster

Two airmen in flying gear leaving a Lancaster, DS707, 'EQ-?' by the rear hatch.

Lancaster Mk 2 'Z' being refuelled. A ground crew airman is up a ladder partly obscuring the nose art, a cartoon of a running skeleton with 'Zombie'. It is annotated 'PL29074'.

A Lancaster landing, seen from the front. It is annotated 'PL28592'.

Five ground crew at work on a Lancaster Mk 2. Two are on the wings refuelling. There is an oil bowser and petrol bowser in the foreground.

A crew of seven airman and a ground crew man with 'Don' painted on the back of his leather jerkin. They are standing towards the rear of Lancaster 'DS830'.

A Lancaster seen from the front. In front is a RAF Fordson Sussex 3 ton crew lorry with seven airmen.

Two airmen in flying kit standing at the front of a Lancaster. it is annotated 'PL28587'.

Three airmen with their flying kit standing at the tail of a Lancaster. They are carrying their Mae Wests and parachutes. It is annotated 'PL28586' and 'UK9214'.

Five airmen at the rear of a Lancaster, DS830, 'OW-S', It is annotated 'PL28585'.

Seven airmen dressed in flying kit with an eighth airman, a pilot. They are standing in a row in front of a Lancaster.
Fourth left is Wing Commander Bill Swetman.

A pilot sitting in the cockpit of a Lancaster. Underneath, painted on its nose is a cartoon of a stork holding a baby in goggles dropping a bomb. Also five bombs indicating five operations.

A pilot in the cockpit of a Lancaster with 'Vagabond 2nd', seven bombs and a maple leaf painted on the nose.

Eight photographs of a decorated bomb about to be loaded on to a Lancaster. Mk 2
Painted on it is 'Ontario Citizens Special Xmas Card for the Reich' and has the names of where the crews originate - 'Ottawa, London, Perkins, Toronto, Timmins,…

Four airmen at the rear hatch of a Lancaster. Two are seated in the entrance to the hatch and the other two are standing. One man, a bomb aimer, is holding a mascot doll.

Small groups of ground personnel at the side of the runway, waving off departing Lancasters. Alongside the control caravan is an assortment service vehicles; bikes, cars and trucks. It is annotated 'PL22525'.

Five photographs of Lancasters Mk 2s departing on an operation. As they start their take off a crowd of well wishers wave them off.
Annotated 'PL22520-PL22524'

A Lancaster Mk 2 'EQ-H' is on the ground and chocked whilst its engines are run up. On the ground an engineer looks on. It is annotated 'PL22517'.
Another annotated 'PL22518'

A Lancaster Mk 2, DS708, 'Q' under maintenance. One man is working on an engine and a second is painting an operation mark on the nose. There is a playing card, Queen of Hearts, painted on the nose.

Three airmen on top of a Lancaster examining the mid-upper gun turret. The turret has been damaged as has the side of the aircraft, DS686 'OW-D'.

An 8000 pound bomb on a trolley with 16 airmen arranged behind it. Further behind is a Lancaster. The bomb has written on it 'Merry Christmas from the RCAF. An 8000lb present for Adolph. But if he can read this, he's lucky'. There are christmas…

A squadron leader with a DFC ribbon. He is sitting in the cockpit. Underneath is a cartoon of an elf or gremlin.

Two sets of three airmen on ladders and one airman in the cockpit of a Lancaster 'G'. The nose has a 408 squadron badge, a maple leaf and 'Miss Kingsville'.

Three airmen at the nose of a Lancaster 'M' with 'Berlin Special' and maple leaves on the nose. One airman has an air gunner brevet. They are holding hands.

A pilot with a Canadian shoulder tag in the cockpit of an aircraft.

An airman leaning out of a Lancaster cockpit. There is nose art of a flying woman and 'Countess' painted, along with three bombs.
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