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Five airmen standing in a row in front of an aircraft. On the reverse
1 Harry 2 W/O 3 Pilot Milroy 4 Navigator 5 Gunner'.
It is stamped AM Crown Copyright Reserved'.

Pilot’s flying log book for J Vasey covering the period from 20 July 1942 to 28 April 1946. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Cambridge (22 EFTS) RCAF Neepawa (35 EFTS), RCAF Weyburn (41 SFTS), RAF…

Pilots flying log book for K Ganney, covering the period from 7 December 1942 to 16 April 1943. Detailing his flying training. It also lists his flying prior to log book. He was stationed at RAF Brough, RCAF Davidson and RCAF Dauphin. Aircraft flown…

The couple are dressed for a wedding, with floral buttonholes. On the reverse 'Jack Vasey (skipper) & Wife 57 Sqdn'.

An account of an operation to Trondheim, Norway. The attack was aborted because of the danger of hitting Norwegian civilians. On the return they hit the sea and lost the tailwheel and H2S radar dome.

A speech given by Keith. He recalls his 30 operations and his time training at Scarborough, Brough and Canada. Initially a pilot he was reassigned as a bomb aimer. He was posted to East Kirkby. He details some of his operations.

Ralph at the controls of a Canadian Avro Anson. He is wearing tropical kit. On the reverse 'RRE Freeman'.

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A framed photograph of Sergeant Ralph Freeman. Included in the image is Ralph's medal ribbons, a Bomber Command crest, his pilot wings and his sergeant's stripes.
The photograph is annotated '1523700 Sgt Ralph Reginald Ernest Freeman 101 Sqn Bomber…

Flight Lieutenant Bluey Mottershead in uniform standing next to his bride with veil and bouquet.

An Australian airman, a WAAF, another airman and a Wing Commander socializing.

A row of five pilots. Behind are tents. On the reverse 'Subject far right [John Cox?] From Mrs E. Warren Birmingham February 1944 Mother of Kenneth W/O'.

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An envelope annotated 'dates 1945 & 1947 Letters 1 from Pilot 1 from Nuremberg / Pilot at the [indecipherable] that George's grave had been found. 1 of [indecipherable] when George's stone was blessed &; Holy Mass said'.

John Cox was the pilot the night George was killed. He describes travelling in a vehicle with George's body. George was taken to a cemetery in a village. John continued to a military hospital. George and John had both baled out.

Waletr and Eric standing together. The image is annotated 'The crew of the Junkers 88 which shot us down. Walter Heidenrich (engineer) Eric Jung (Pilot) Headmaster of a school)'.

Photo 1 is an airman standing on the starboard wing beside the cockpit of a Cessna Bobcat.
Photo 2 is a half length portrait of an RAF pilot.

A large group of airmen sitting and standing in five rows. In the background three Lancaster in line. It is believed that I A Wynn is in the photograph as it was taken before 25/26 May 1943. Additional information about this item was kindly provided…

Drawing shows the front end of a bomber with the pilot reaching out of cockpit window with a polo mallet toward the pitot head which has a gas mask and a side cap caught on it.

On the left of the drawing the rear of a bomber with gunner in rear turret is saying 'Captain! There's an aircraft right behind us!'. On the right the undercarriage wheels of another aircraft.

Pilots flying log book (partial) for John Cox, covering the period from 28 July 1944 to 16 March 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Peplow and RAF Wickenby. Aircraft flow in were Wellington and…

Photo 1 is George Warren in uniform sitting down.
Photo 2 is a pilot and is wearing his flying kit.

Pilot Officer J H Catlin for Distinguished Flying Cross. Sergeant Barry Collin Wright for Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Sergeant William Birch for Distinguished Flying Medal. Gives account of action for operation to Leipzig in February 1944. Describes…

Letter from the pilot of Barry's aircraft relating events during operation to Leipzig on 19 February 1944. Describes attacks by Me 110, Barry wright being wounded and refusing to leave his post. Urges them not to worry about his wounds. Mentions that…

On the left an officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons. On the right a bride wearing white wedding dress and holding bouquet.

Account of operation to Leipzig when aircraft was engaged by enemy fighters. Four of the crew were injured, two severely. Describes action of subsequent attacks. Sergeant Wright, although wounded and fainting three time continues to perform his…

Tells of engagement by enemy Me-110s in area of Stendal when the flight engineer, mid upper gunner, navigator and wireless operator were wounded. The aircraft suffered damaged and suffered further attacks but one enemy fighter was probably destroyed.…
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