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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Reports arrival of mail and asks them to thank everyone who sent him money. Agrees that they should number their letters to help identify any missing. Reiterates that they should buy themselves radio as he previously suggested. Catches up with…

Reports arrival of recent letters and records the time some have taken. Has some photographs but not sending them until the have the consul route available for mail as this is more reliable. Explains production of the camp weekly newspaper. Writes…

Reports arrival of latest cable and his reply which was delayed due to address problem with the French. Glad that a lot of his letters to them have finally arrives after 8 weeks in transit. Hopes mail situation will improve now and they will be able…

Reports arrival of latest mail and glad to hear that eight of his letters have arrived which would let them know a little of conditions at Laghouat. Mentions he is now smoking a pipe but there is a lack of tobacco. Writes of difficult supply…

Reports arrival of latest mail as well as Christmas card and bookmark calendar. Answers their question comparing spring in North Africa to home. Mentions not receiving any clothes from Red Cross but had received considerable amount of food for which…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the editor's comments, How the Convoys got through, photographs of ex-POWs titled 'Victory Smiles', Finding his Feet -…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, Repatriation Arrangements, Liberation comes to Stalag IXA, Behind the Scenes about theatrical endeavours,…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, the transport of food parcels, Emergency supplies for the camp, POW cooking, articles about Christmas in…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, POWs released by the Russians, ex-Internees welcomed home, entertainment at the Camps, Escaped Prisoners…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Food Situation about food parcel delivery, Editors comments, Sport reports from the Camps, suggestions for parcel contents,…

The news-sheet covers the return of prisoners of war and issues that they will face, POW letters from the Far East, Prisoners and Parliament, Camp visits by the YMCA, Prison Camps as schools of Citizenships, Next-of-kin Parcels, International Red…

Reports arrival of Valentines day cable and his reply as well as other letters received, some via Germany, probably included in German prisoner of war mail. Catches up with home news and reminisces. Reports arrival of letters from other people. Glad…

Reports arrival of recent mail and wishes his mail to them would be as quick as theirs to him. Writes about books being read and a little of his daily activity. Mentions that Red Cross parcels were still arriving regularly and recently contained tins…

Reports arrival of recent letters and notes that two of sequence had not arrived yet. Answers questions raised on income tax and other family news. Touched that they are trying to sent parcel with chocolate (despite it being rationed), tea and soap.…

Reports arrival of mail and notes all sent up to 4 February apart from one had now arrived. Glad his letters had also gotten to them. Writes about books he is reading. Mentions correspondence with family of Eric Pickles a navy man in the camp.…

Catches up with mail received and notes two of sequence have still not arrived. Pleased that they now have his letters written up to the end of January. Writes that there was no need now to send parcels as regular Red Cross parcels were now arriving.…

Acknowledges receipt of latest mail and cable. Thanks them for efforts to send parcel with cigarettes but now no need as Red Cross parcels are coming through with them and tea, so no shortage of either. Suggest that they do not need to try and sent…

Acknowledges receipt of all numbered letters apart from three which he suspects have gone via Germany. Comments on snow and rough winter in England but says spring and warming weather on the way there. Writes of lunch, Red Cross, weather and…

Notes he has not received any mail since he last wrote. He writes that there is a lot of repetition in his letters as he is not sure which will get through. Writes of camp newspaper, 32 pages which is published fortnightly. Mentions an article he…

Acknowledges receipt of latest letters and sorry to hear mother has been ill. Mentions letter he has received from another correspondent and catches up with comments on news from home. Writes about how he feels and how well he is. Thanks them for…

Pleased to get recent cable but disappointed that they had had no mail from him since the end of November. Goes on to include text of his reply. Mentions letters received from others and list the cables that he has sent them. Discusses the cost of…

Mentions receiving two letters one via Germany the other via Italy and says almost all their letters that year had now arrived. Writes of cables he had sent and mentioned that some were held up by locals at his end. Sorry mother had been ill and…

Lists letters recently received. Wishes his would to them would arrive sooner but hopeful as mail would now go by airmail via the consulate again and would take 6 weeks rather that the current 12-14 weeks. Comments on weather in England. Mentions…

Comments that he has received no new mail. Says he is enclosing three photographs taken some time ago and describes content. Says he is only sending a few photos at a time in case letters go missing. Writes that dramatic society are producing "Snow…

Writes that he is enclosing three more photographs and describes them and the shows during which they were taken. Hopes for improvements in time taken for his mail to reach them. Describes new scheme where cables sent from Laghouat are charged for at…
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