Letter from Douglas Hudson to his parents
Letter from Douglas Hudson to his parents
Mentions receiving two letters one via Germany the other via Italy and says almost all their letters that year had now arrived. Writes of cables he had sent and mentioned that some were held up by locals at his end. Sorry mother had been ill and explains that he might have looked odd in the photographs he sent because he was suffering from stomach problems. He was now doing PT and feeling fit. Mentions the weather. Writes that they were avoiding drinking water but as Red Cross parcels were regular they we able to make 4 cups of tea a day. Also that wine was available and better that water. Mentions having a bath and describes what he normally wears. Says he had not yet received the book or parcels with cigarettes they sent. Comments on his camp newspaper work.
Temporal Coverage
Two page handwritten letter
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Royal Air Force. 755052. Sgt. J. D. Hudson.
c/o. Consul General des Etats Unis.
Rue Michelet.
Alger. Algerie.
Afrique du Nord.
My Dear Mother & Dad,
On the 17th I received two letters from you, Nos. 8 & 14, dated Jan. 21st & Feb. 6th respectively, the former had come via Germany & the latter via Italy, hence the delay. As I have kept all the letters and envelopes received from you since my arrival, I can honestly say that I have a remarkable and varied collection of stamps and postmarks which I hope we shall be able to peruse[?] at leisure, together, in the happier future. Of the first eighteen letters written by you this year they have all arrived with the exception of Nos. 11 & 16, and it is quite probable that these will turn up at a later date, doubtless bearing a [indecipherable word] censor’s mark. It is a pity that the two cables arrived on Jan. 20th and not on Mother’s birthday. I sent one on Jan. 14th & the other (your prepaid) on Jan. 16th so they would arrive in time. It is the people at this end who hold them up and it is a very annoying habit. I am sorry to hear that Mother has been suffering from neuritis and I do hope she is better now. My tummy trouble was over before Christmas and it might have been responsible for my looking queer on those photos. They are so criterion especially of me now. I have been doing P.T. regularly for the last three weeks and at the moment am feeling quite fit. The weather has been ideal and I am getting brown all over again. It has been as hot as you ever get it in England and for about a fortnight the average hours of sun per day must [inserted] have [/inserted] been between ten and eleven. It’s all right now, but what June, July & August will be like God
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knows. I am thankful I have spent a complete summer in Africa and hope to be seasoned. I am trying to avoid drinking water. As the Red Cross parcels have been frequent since November we have been able to make about four cups of tea per day. It is possible to buy Vichy[?] water which is safe, and although the wine bill may appear out of proportion it is definitely advisable to drink wine instead of water. The price of the wine we buy is 20 francs a bottle (1 litre = 1¾ pints) Daily normal consumption is about half a bottle. Some times we don’t drink any at all & when we feel particularly cheesed[?] some evening swig the lot. I gather from your recent letters that the weather has been exceptionally cold and that winter has really made itself felt. I wish you could have a month of our present weather. I have started having a bath outside under the tap every afternoon, and swill down with a large jug. At present I paddle around in short underpants from 2 pm until nearly 5 pm. We have to make the most of this season. Have entered for a Bridge Competition commencing[?] shortly. I haven’t played for months. The “Camp Echo” typing occupies a lot of my time these days. I have not yet received the book Mrs. Clayton sent. The cigarettes you sent are luxury brands and I am looking forward to their arrival. I asked you in several recent letters not to send tea and chocolate in future as it is so scarce in England. The Red Cross have sent liberal supplies of tea so we are not short of this commodity at present. I do thank you for your efforts in the past and appreciate your kindness & thoughts. Well I must say good-bye again now. I hope you will both keep fit and well and until we meet again I send you all my love, thoughts & best wishes.
c/o. Consul General des Etats Unis.
Rue Michelet.
Alger. Algerie.
Afrique du Nord.
My Dear Mother & Dad,
On the 17th I received two letters from you, Nos. 8 & 14, dated Jan. 21st & Feb. 6th respectively, the former had come via Germany & the latter via Italy, hence the delay. As I have kept all the letters and envelopes received from you since my arrival, I can honestly say that I have a remarkable and varied collection of stamps and postmarks which I hope we shall be able to peruse[?] at leisure, together, in the happier future. Of the first eighteen letters written by you this year they have all arrived with the exception of Nos. 11 & 16, and it is quite probable that these will turn up at a later date, doubtless bearing a [indecipherable word] censor’s mark. It is a pity that the two cables arrived on Jan. 20th and not on Mother’s birthday. I sent one on Jan. 14th & the other (your prepaid) on Jan. 16th so they would arrive in time. It is the people at this end who hold them up and it is a very annoying habit. I am sorry to hear that Mother has been suffering from neuritis and I do hope she is better now. My tummy trouble was over before Christmas and it might have been responsible for my looking queer on those photos. They are so criterion especially of me now. I have been doing P.T. regularly for the last three weeks and at the moment am feeling quite fit. The weather has been ideal and I am getting brown all over again. It has been as hot as you ever get it in England and for about a fortnight the average hours of sun per day must [inserted] have [/inserted] been between ten and eleven. It’s all right now, but what June, July & August will be like God
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knows. I am thankful I have spent a complete summer in Africa and hope to be seasoned. I am trying to avoid drinking water. As the Red Cross parcels have been frequent since November we have been able to make about four cups of tea per day. It is possible to buy Vichy[?] water which is safe, and although the wine bill may appear out of proportion it is definitely advisable to drink wine instead of water. The price of the wine we buy is 20 francs a bottle (1 litre = 1¾ pints) Daily normal consumption is about half a bottle. Some times we don’t drink any at all & when we feel particularly cheesed[?] some evening swig the lot. I gather from your recent letters that the weather has been exceptionally cold and that winter has really made itself felt. I wish you could have a month of our present weather. I have started having a bath outside under the tap every afternoon, and swill down with a large jug. At present I paddle around in short underpants from 2 pm until nearly 5 pm. We have to make the most of this season. Have entered for a Bridge Competition commencing[?] shortly. I haven’t played for months. The “Camp Echo” typing occupies a lot of my time these days. I have not yet received the book Mrs. Clayton sent. The cigarettes you sent are luxury brands and I am looking forward to their arrival. I asked you in several recent letters not to send tea and chocolate in future as it is so scarce in England. The Red Cross have sent liberal supplies of tea so we are not short of this commodity at present. I do thank you for your efforts in the past and appreciate your kindness & thoughts. Well I must say good-bye again now. I hope you will both keep fit and well and until we meet again I send you all my love, thoughts & best wishes.
James Douglas Hudson, “Letter from Douglas Hudson to his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 11, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/22642.
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