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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Writes of house hunting and taking temporary home until something more suitable available. Mentions activities, walking round town looking for shoes. Continues with description other activities. Writes of old Skipton grammar school friends. Mentions…

Looking forward to more letters from him. Mentions cost of airmail going up. Writes of activities and weather. Catches up with news of family and friends. Still awaiting news of house and discusses other issues and will be happy to get settled. Sent…

Writes of reply from Red Cross that it was not possible to send chocolate to him as no parcel post to Tunisia. However, telegrams were allowed. Also best way to communicate is through American consul in Tunis. Glad he can get cigarettes as shortage…

Writes they have finally got an unfurnished house and gives address. Mentions plans for moving and will be happy when all settled. Describes house and views. Says month since last letter. Catches up with news and gossip.

Describes activities including cleaning previous house and comments on the weather. Writes that the grocer brought her goods including bundles of firewood. Catches up with news of family/friends and gossip about activities. Worried that details of…

Best wishes for his birthday.

Has not written for three weeks as busy sorting out three houses before moving in to new one. Notes arrival of his cable on 22 May and wonders what would happen to all her letters sent to previous camp at Le Kef. Mentions that he has reported only a…

Writes of cables sent and received and still awaiting next letter. Mentions correspondence from others and passes on news contained. Comments on good weather, state of garden and how much they like living in new home. Mentions trying to find…

Acknowledges arrival of letter and postcard and notes that some letters have gone missing. Comments on some of the content of letters concerning censor and his allotment. Glad to get good news of his health and well being and understands the intense…

Notes arrival of 4 letters and 5 postcards in a week. Comments on contents concerning his activities and whether he is becoming a cynic. Writes of happy hours spent in garden. Provides description of new house. Mentions double summer time and sunrise…

Describes view from their dining room window but says they have had little summer weather. Comments on his weather in Tunisia. Catches up with news of family/friends. Comments on postcard he sent where the woman pictured displaying more of her person…

Writes that they received his latest cable and wonders if the ones they sent have gotten through particularly one sent to his previous address. Catches up with family news and their activities. Comments on the weather and mentions working in garden.…

Writes of good weather and not needing a fire as well as recent storm with lightning. Mentions cost of strawberries. Mentions good news from him in his cables and wonders how he is doing in his new camp. Continues with chat and gossip, Catches up…

Writes about the recent good weather and the view from the house. Wonders whether he is able to enjoy Africa. Some time since his last letter but glad they are able to cable him, which they are planning to do that week. Catches up with local news and…

Apologises for her poor memory and using wrong dates on letters. Waiting reply to recent cable with pre-paid return. Notes recent communication which informed them he had moved to new camp. Writes of weather and enjoying new home. Says she is sending…

Delighted to receive one postcard and three letters and mentions stamps value and other markings on envelopes. Mentions some post misdirection but grateful that they do get letters from him. Still awaiting reply to cable. Glad that he was living…

Thanks him for latest letters and surprised to get it so quickly. Delighted by good news from Medea but note that circumstances have changed again. and they are anxious to get news. Comments on recent good weather and recent thunderstorm. List cables…

Thanks him for latest letters and surprised to get it so quickly. Delighted by good news from Médéa but note that circumstances have changed again. and they are anxious to get news. Comments on recent good weather and recent thunderstorm. List…

No letters received lately but pleased to get cables from him. Catches up with news of family/friend, comments on cooler weather and going out to lunch in restaurant in Nelson. Continues with news of other activities including shopping for wedding…

Writes of weather and how hot it gets at father's works. Describes new area as up to date small industrial town and mentions some local news. Catches up with other correspondence and passes on news. Mentions their garden and catches up with other…

Writes of latest activities and a little about the local town. Discusses latest mail from him and mentions cost of cables. Continues with chat and gossip. Reminisces and then comments that they were surprised that he was able to go into town where he…

Awaiting first letter from Aumale and comments on weather. Notes they have not had to have a fire for weeks despite being told when they moved how cold it was there. Catches up with news and gossip and notes his photograph still has pride of place…

Glad to get latest letter dated 10 July. Comments on some content particularly cooking. Mentions other letter from same location also describing conditions including mention that Douglas had taken part in a boxing contest and that chaplain visited.…

Writes of how wonderful it is to be able to exchange cables. List latest letters to arrive. Catches up with news of acquaintances. Writes of their activities and the weather. Reminisces on past shared events and glad they are able to keep in touch.

Reports arrival of latest letters all sent by airmail but with different postmarks. Not yet received any letters from Aumale. Wonder why he had to move from previous location at Médéa. Writes of her difficulties of moving over the last few months…
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